
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Yesterday at the pool in my hometown I was in the process of explaining to my sister the reason I have been sharing videos non stop from "these Rhett and Link" characters. Being that I know probably too much about these guys, I started from the beginning, way back when they met. When I got to the part where Rhett is 11 days older than me, we both noticed a group of teens NOT minding their own business. My sister, at first, just waved at them in her passive aggressive way. I finally stopped talking at looked up at one boy that had a smile on his face from ear to ear, and he said, "Are you guys talking about Good Mythical Morning?" I was, for some reason, both overjoyed and confused. We are from the po dunk Midwest. Why did I think I was the only one at this waterpark that knew about this?

I just replied, "so you are a fellow mythical beast?" The boy said, "yeah, we all are." And that's when I noticed just how much of a crowd that I had drawn! It felt good.

Has anyone else had this type of experience?

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That's really cool. I'm useless at faces from wheel endings. I probably saw it and didn't even realize. What episode?

It was almost 2 years ago! It's "How to Stop Procrastinating" from season 4! 

Aha.. Yes I remember that one! Just, but I do. :)

and don't forget . . .

In fact, Alexis should be one of the most recognizable Mythical Beasts in all the world . . . outside of the GMM Krew and other members of Mythical Entertainment, Inc.

Reference:  Gumbo's Book of Komm Records

I understand how off putting it is when you are connected and passionate about something for so long, then all these people come out of nowhere, do some research and feel like they are the first ones to know about or discover something awesome. I followed a couple of bands around, back when they toured in RVs in very small venues. I took backstage videos and helped with sound while my best friend helped sell merch. You may have heard of them, System Of A Down" and Static-X. As they became more popular thy were harder and harder to get contact with them, they started getting groupies and my best friend and I finally disappeared from the VIP lists. It was so hard. It was good to see the guys going places, but hard to know that we were there for them helping them get started and now their following was overwhelming. In saying all of that, I really respect th Kmods that have been here so long hangin in there when things didnt look so good. I know you are appreciated. (One good thing...I still have the riginal VHS tapes of the BTS footage as proof hehe).
So cool Alexis!

I meet fellow Mythical Beasts online on Animaljam.com. I was chatting with a friend and asked if she heard of Good Mythical Morning and she said yes and some other people there also said yes and one person even said OMG I LOVE RHETT AND LINK! Lots of my friend watch Good Mythical Morning which is awesome.

I just met a mythical beast at wallmart

The only time I've had an experience close to this was in science class. We finished early, so we got to go on our computers. I was sitting next to some guy who had just moved from Arkansas and we both went on Youtube and watched a Rhett and Link video with our headphones. I glanced over at his computer and he was watching that morning's GMM episode. I just asked "Oh... you're a Mythical Beast, too?" He just said, "Oh, uh, yeah." That's really all we talked before the next big class project. :) 


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