
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I noticed that R&L's guest appearance playlist on their channel hasn't been updated in a while. I decided I'd try to find some of their guest appearances/interviews/commercials that aren't on their own channels and put them into a Youtube playlist. I found a bunch, but I'm sure there's still a ton out there. I also added a couple of tribute videos, but I'd like to keep these to a minimum unless they are very good.

It came to me that this would be a great KBE. If you know of any videos that aren't on the list, post them here! I'll add them to the list. This can serve as a Kommunity directory of their guest appearances.  Happy (video) hunting!

The playlist: Rhett & Link Guest Appearances

*Note: The playlist is not very well organized right now. It's not chronological by any means. It's grouped together more by what channel they were on.

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One more from WRAL - - - a very redneck interview . . .


Have you ever seen this one?  (3:05 - 4:10)

Don't forget their joyride in the Toyota Camry!

when you watch this  be sure to click the EXTENDED CUT link at the end . . . twice the awesomeness

Rhett and Link appeared on Sklarbro Country (although it also seems to be variously misspelled as Sklarbro County), the podcast of comedian duo the Sklar Brothers. You can find them in episode 130 here: http://earwolf.com/episode/sklarbro-county-130/

Just a fun fact: The Sklar Brothers are actually the uncles of our very own Komm member Hestia, and they introduced her to Rhett and Link for her birthday recently (photo here: http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/photo/my-life-is-now-complete).

I just saw that Rhett and Link were in a Matthew Santoro vlog, taken after they recorded Ear Biscuits with him in September.

Vlog here: http://youtu.be/ZelpIt0bzpI

For that matter, here's Rhett and Link guest appearing in a Matthew Santoro main channel video, "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! #10":


It was filmed on the R&L GMM set about a month ago.

R&L appeared in another "YouTubers React" by the Fine Brothers a couple of days ago:

"Flip Warz" on Superwoman's channel:

I really hate to do this, but only to maintain the completeness of your playlist . . .

The Marshmallow Show #10: RHETT & LINK ~ by Annoying Orange

This one is from a guy who calls himself a "TRUTHER" . . . apparently NOT a BIG R&L fan  . . . but he is an obvious NUT CASE

This channel is simply about spreading the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be to some of you. Our world is filled with lies and disinfo. I have chosen to stand on the side of truth, to inform the masses of what is really going on in the world around them. Through my research, I have come to realize that there is a spiritual element to things. After thousands of hours of research, I have concluded that the only real truth in this world is present in the KJV Bible. For this reason, I am a born again Christian who is determined to expose Satan and his lies. I specialize in symbolism, occult teachings, Evolution vs Creation, social psychology, false flags, mind-control methods, fallen angles/aliens, and the New World Order.

Down the rabbit hole we go...

NOTE: just to give you a little more flavor, here is White Rabbit's "official" YouTube channel trailer:

FYI - -

I found a similar playlist being populated by a Japanese fan > > > Rhett and Link as Guests by Yukiteru Setsu

Playlist of Rhett and Link appearing on other channels as guests i.e. fancam, fanart, interviews, challenges, performances and bunch of other cool stuff (:

You might want to cross reference with their 158 video finds to see if anything is missing from your listing.  I don't think you have this one yet.


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