
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Open letter to Rhett and Link

I write this not as an individual but as a voice for loyal and proud Mythical Beasts. A collective of us decided to voice our opinions in this open letter for all to see.

It is widely noted that Mythical Beasts have noticed a severe drop in your connection with your fanbase. Youtube, Tumblr, Reddit etc all feature comments from your fans expressing their disappointment over this.

Some of us lucky ones have the luxury of being a long term Mythical Beast. I (letter writer) was around from very early on and had the chance to join in on live Kasts and other community outreach projects. My children have recently also discovered a love for your work and when I tell them about my past experiences, they are saddened that you no longer seem to have any connection with your fanbase.

Yes we (the collective writing this) are aware that the way things work from those early days have changed. Youtube is different now and you have many projects to look after at once. It is also noted that you have a company to run, crew to pay and families to feed. We understand that free time will be a luxury for you.

Your once great Kommunity is now all but a shell, with the web team tirelessly trying to flog the dead horse back to life. As Mythical Beasts, we appreciate that of them. We were overjoyed to see Link had made the effort to thank the fans for his birthday project that we saw advertised but on the other hand it seems too little too late. You see fans on social media crying out with joy if something of theirs is re-shared by “you”, when in fact it is more likely to be your social media representative.

There are others who have a similar setup as you. They have companies to run and employees to pay, yet still make time for the most important people, the fans. You once were so passionate about your fanbase but all that fans see now is corporate sponsor entertainers.

Gone are the days of your little v-logs just for your fans. The Kasts, which granted would be hard to do with the fanbase numbers now but there are things that could be done. The special Kommunity only videos, replaced by a few videos on facebook. The projects that fans joined in with, a distant memory.

We plead to you to not forget who you are and where you come from. Don’t forget the Beasts who have been there by your side promoting your videos, giving you views and more.

We are PROUD of what you have achieved. We are PROUD to be Mythical Beasts. But somewhere on the road to success we lost you, and we are searching day and night for you.

We are Mythical Beasts and hear us roar!

We don’t want to lose you anymore than we have. Join with us Chiasquatch and Shahbaz, and rise up from the ashes with heads held high with the Randler proudly in your heart once more.

We can be more Mythical together.

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Thank you for taking the time to bring your concerns to our attention. Sadly this isn't the first time we have heard fellow Mythical Beasts mention R&L's activity levels with their fan base dropping. But as you rightly put it, things have indeed changed from the early days when they were able to reach out and be more one on one with their fans. They now have such a big following that anything they organised would likely to attract such a large audience that it wouldn't be feasible to complete something as personal as they used to.

We are sure they are aware that Mythical Beasts feel this way, but are at a loss as to best address things when they are so tied with their own personal time and ability.

Keep your spirits up however. The future is not yet written and anything can happen.

Stay Mythical!


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