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I noticed Link that you weren't wearing your characteristic specs in most (if not all?) of the movie? I'm curious why.

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I told my parents that I need glasses because I couldn't see the board in high school. They didn't believe me be "no one in our family needs glasses." When they finally took me in and got me glasses, I spent about half an hour staring out the window into our back yard - I had forgotten what it was like to see individual blades of grass.

Now that I'm a mom, I think it's funny that both my kids are already in glasses. At six and four, they both failed their eye tests at the pediatrician. I tell people that I'm trying to embrace the homeschool stereotype.
Back when I was doing the barista thing, we had one of the industrial dishwashers that did a load in 3 minutes. It was great, 'cos whenever I opened it right after it finished I would be engulfed in a huge cloud of steam. It was even better if I had worn my glasses to work, because I would have the same experience you did and become temporarily blinded due to spectacle foggage.

Simply to amuse myself (and probably at the annoyance of my coworkers since we ran the dishwasher about 30 times in a shift) I would cry out "Achhh! Cataracts!!!" Every time.

Kenzie L. said:
I was about 8, and i couldn't see the clock from the end of the hall, so i asked my mom, and she freaked out. She took me to the eye doctor, and it was so scary with all the drops and stuff, but finally i got my glasses. I was pretty proud of them, and liked them a lot, because they were "Candy" brand w/ a sweet case, and they were blue. First thing i did? Walked into a steamy bathroom and freaked out cause i couldn't see!!!
I totally rocked some Candy glasses a while back. I like my frames now, but my Candys were pretty sweet. I wish I would have kept the frame and just switched the lenses in hindsight.

Kenzie L. said:
I was about 8, and i couldn't see the clock from the end of the hall, so i asked my mom, and she freaked out. She took me to the eye doctor, and it was so scary with all the drops and stuff, but finally i got my glasses. I was pretty proud of them, and liked them a lot, because they were "Candy" brand w/ a sweet case, and they were blue. First thing i did? Walked into a steamy bathroom and freaked out cause i couldn't see!!!
I was 12 when I got my glasses, as a side note the awkward preteen years is not the time to get glasses. I didn't think I needed them until I left the optometrist's office for the first time with them. My mom asked what I was thinking my reply, "Did you know trees have leaves?" It was amazing the differences a pair of glasses made to my environment.
I was in 5th grade when I figured out I needed glasses. I distinctly remember it, because I still went to Vacation Bible School. My mom was teaching the class and the lesson for that day was about Jonah. She had a picture on the wall of a fish in the middle of the sea and was pointing to the picture like, "See the fish?" And I piped up from my seat on the floor, "What fish?!" "What do you mean, 'what fish?' It's right there." *point* Then I looked at my mom like she was crazy. "There's no fish in that picture." She made me stand up really close to the picture and I finally saw the fish.
With glasses I can now see that my mom isn't as crazy (or superhuman, "You can see that? All the way over there?") as I thought. :D
After we had gotten my glasses and were riding home in the car I remember I gasped really loud and my mom freaked out, "What!!" "The trees have LEAVES!" That was the highlight of my childhood: Seeing individual leaves. :D
When I was little and had my glasses I would never clean them. Ever. My mom would tell me to go clean my glasses, they were dirty. 'Whatever.' And every time I would clean my glasses I would go, "WOAH!" because everything was so clear. I did this all the time and I never learned to clean them regularly, it would always be a shock. :D
I was about 4 or 5 when I started wearing glasses. At the time I thought it was cool. As the years went on though, I ended up getting made fun of...a lot. And not just because of my glasses. :( So in junior high I just said, "Phooey!" on the whole spectacles thing, and quit wearing them. I get along fine without them. But I agree with everyone else, Link. Your glasses suit you well! Square frames are the rockin'est, and not everyone can pull them off as well as you do.
I was really young when I found out I needed glasses.
I've lived with them just about all my life. Had contacts for awhile, probably will go back....

Link Neal said:
I had just gotten my glasses around that time and I wasn't used to wearing them all the time. 2006. I was still thinking I wouldn't need them except when, like, driving at night. Funny.

It's funny, when I went in to the optometrist in 06, it was just 'cause I had the coverage. And to get info about macular degeneration because Lincoln Clause has it... I didn't think I needed glasses.

When Dr. Tony told me I needed em...it was weird...I kinda had an emotional reaction. R-r-re-really? I-I need *gulp* glasses?! It was like a blow to my ego or something...subconsciously. But I quickly embraced it as an opportunity for self expression.

And now you think I look weird without em in the movie, huh?

Everyone who's reading this-- reply and tell me how you found out you needed glasses. And what was your initial emotional response?
I got my glasses in the 4th grade. I needed them in the 3rd grade but my parents didn't believe that I needed them. They thought that I only wanted them to look cool. So I finally go them in the 4th grade and I didn't like them but I had to wear them. Now I'm in 10th grade and I only wear them during class because I hate my glasses. I'm getting my contacts soon though! I hope that works out. =]
It was around 5th grade for me, but I spent the next 8 years not wearing them (if anyone else was around.) I was too prideful and extremely selfconscious, so I learned to adapt--borrowed other people's notes, got real good at listening, only drove by myself, etc. What's odd is my best friend in HS wore them, but she was the studious/smart type and that was all right. Right before college I got contacts and loved them for the next 14 years, until I got Lasik. I had to wear glasses for a month before the surgery, which was unusual since I hadn't for so long. But I've had 20/20 vision for 6 years and it was the best investment I've ever made (I was actually 20/15 for a while.) The first morning after the surgery I could see blades of grass way across the yard while lying in bed--AMAZING.
BTW, some people just look right in glasses.
I found out I needed glasses in the seventh grade when I kept on squinting when the projector was turned on for class (back when projectors/ overheads were used for class). This projector was called Big Bertha by the teacher. I was not all that shocked since all my other family members were wearing one. I did strive to wear then as little as possible at first (even used them in a table hockey match once). Now I consider them a fashion item since the frames is often the most expensive thing i (need to) wear.

Link Neal said:
I had just gotten my glasses around that time and I wasn't used to wearing them all the time. 2006. I was still thinking I wouldn't need them except when, like, driving at night. Funny.

It's funny, when I went in to the optometrist in 06, it was just 'cause I had the coverage. And to get info about macular degeneration because Lincoln Clause has it... I didn't think I needed glasses.

When Dr. Tony told me I needed em...it was weird...I kinda had an emotional reaction. R-r-re-really? I-I need *gulp* glasses?! It was like a blow to my ego or something...subconsciously. But I quickly embraced it as an opportunity for self expression.

And now you think I look weird without em in the movie, huh?

Everyone who's reading this-- reply and tell me how you found out you needed glasses. And what was your initial emotional response?
I found out I needed glasses in the 4th grade. My parents reacted worse to it than I did at the time. I thought they were kind of cool, secretly. It wasn't until later in life that I really started to dislike the ones I had. Now I switch between some awesome glasses I like and contacts (coloured and regular).
Lets see my first pair was given to me after 1st grade, I really didn't care too much. But as soon as I was able to switch to contacts I did. Now I try to keep a good balance going between the two. Which kinda reminds me I need to get my glasses updated.


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