
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Thank you to everyone who took part. More info after Link's birthday.

Additional:  The parcel arrived and will be given to Link in time for his bday

Additional 2: Because people have been asking about it I'll post here. The pdf of the project will be uploaded to view around the 7th or so

New : Hi all, Link posted a video about the book. Check out his blog here: http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/profiles/blogs/birthday-thanks

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Blink and you'll miss it, but Link's birthday book can be spotted in The Puzzle... well the spine can be :)

You must have better eyes than me...can we get a hint?

I only spotted it because the white looked out of place.
Close to beginning when doing the puzzle dance, pile of books next to the TV. White longest one on bottom of pile
Gonna go rewatch in slow mo

Haha it's not that hard. But I have the added benefit of this next to me on my desk for reference:

(We framed the R&L photo too. ;) )

Mine looks silly as everything in my office is white, I planned to get a different frame but never got round to it.

Mine Is taped up on the cabinet next to my desk, overlooking Mythical Bobblehead Studio setup next to the Cheesistanian Embassy here in THE REPUBLIC OF GUMBOVIA

We hijacked the thread whoops... anyone else spotted the book in the video yet then?

I put mine in a Ziploc bag with some cardboard because ain't nobody got time to find a frame.

Well, I think. Not sure. I even took screenshots and zoomed in but I can't get enough resolution to be sure. :/ I believe you saw it, I believe it's there. I'm just missing it?
Tbh I think I only noticed it (might not be) because I'm so familiar with what it looks like

(See attached- on phone can't post images)


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