
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Hi there!

Is there a project idea out there somewhere for Link's birthday this year? (for June 1, 2016) 

I haven't seen a thread posted yet here on the forum about it. And I know a lot of people are busy with school and things, so we probably don't have to do something as big as the book last year, which was really cool, but maybe something else that'll be manageable to put together and send easily and just as special! 

If anyone has any ideas, let's discuss, maybe in a group or private messaging (so Link doesn't see this just in case he wants to get spoiled, lol). :) What's the best method here? 

Gonna go ahead and throw some ideas I have: 

  • a Link-themed rap or poem
  • collage of drawings already posted or not yet posted or created but will be created just for the birthday
  • if you're a gamer, maybe an image of Link as himself or a character he's played (or both) but in game-form, like a build in Minecraft of his likeness of your favorite version of him, or maybe a pixel art version of Link (I'd be happy to do this since I like those things, just a beginner though) (*note: I'm not good at Pixel art WITHIN Minecraft, just the separate things, so if someone made him as Pixel Art in MC, that'd be really awesome!) or some other game, then we'd just make a photo collage of all the characters, or video montage if someone knows how to do that :)
  • something to do with peanut butter, chocolate, pickles in chocolate, miniature horses, stuff he likes
  • unique Merle Haggard gift
  • something silly or ridiculous that relates to his humor

Of course, people will probably send him birthday gifts to their studio via mail, so I'm just thinking of something extra we can do online here for him. :) 

If there's something already out there in the works, please let me know! I'd love to be involved this year!


*Recent discussion of putting recorded noises & phrases he's said into a sampler, keyboard, soundboard, or portable device. 

*Update May 3:

I've made a group for this project. All would like to be involved, please join and discuss!

Ideal Deadline May 17 2016. Thank you! 

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I'd try to put his face on a box of cereal if it were me, maybe peanut butter flavored. It could be a Link-themed brand. I lack the artistic skills, though. :-(

Maybe somebody could rig up a version of his old hair with like angel wings and a halo over it, or a ghost version of it.

Hey hey! I love the kissy pic, haha. :-)

Now all we need is to get a thousand standard cereal boxes and stick it on there, let Link stumble on it in the grocery store.

Well, what about a Link soundboard with all of his crazy sounds that he did.

That's a really cool idea!

That's cool! I could see him playing around w/ that in the studio & annoying the crew with it! Maybe a portable version so he can carry it out to annoy them? Idk, I feel like he would really love some kind of stuff toy w/ weird sound effects. Or at least, Rhett would. Either way, they'd both get some good play out of it. Or maybe an app that just has Link sayings so he can play them anytime on his phone! :) 

Oo! Would it be cool or weird if we chose certain phrases Link has said and put them into a doll of his likeness or into a stuffed mini horse or something , and it has a drawstring on the back and you pull it and the doll says "My anus is tight" (recorded from an episode)  & some other popular ones. Idk. ?

The doll thing is kinda weird now that I think about it. Sorry. :) 

Not at all, so long as it's not a creepy Link doll or plush clown shark.  There is already a company making big $$$ selling these at about $30 each - - here's a link to CLOUD PETS - - with it you (or any authorized person with the proper code) can send new messages or recorded quotes by Link and update those on a daily/weekly/etc basis.  No miniature horses, but I did find this cute little unicorn:


oh my goodness. that's adorable! Probably not actually going to do it but that's funny. 

Just found this as the device they use inside the toys: http://www.amazon.com/The-Bear-Mill-1903-Recordable/dp/B000JG902O. Possible for us too, but there's not a lot of storage space in the thing. 

I've got something that could help with this (with Link's noises) -


And the link doesn't work. Here's the real link


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