
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

UPDATE:  09/25/15

With nearly 2000 votes cast and counted, the overwhelmingly preferred design for the new Kommunity banner is . . .

(drumroll please)

Congratulations to our mythical beast Kommunity member TRISEPTA on the winning design.  Coming very soon, all Kommunity common pages will sport this new design, but today you can visit his profile page to see it in working order ...

... and a huge THANK YOU to all who contributed their talent, ideas and opinions in this process. You're all winners!

UPDATE:  09/16/2015

The submission period has ended, and the selection kommittee has narrowed the field down to the TOP 3 entries. 

Please click the yellow pic below to cast your vote at the Google polling place.

(will open a window outside the R&L Kommunity)

Voting will run ONE WEEK ONLY and the winner will be announced on Friday, 25-Sep-2015. 

A message from the K-Mods:

As you may have noticed, there have been several recent changes made to the layout of the Kommunity front page, including some redesign / shifting of the features layout.

This is all part of R&L’s master plan when they decided to “hand over the keys” for this to become a wholly FAN-BASED and FAN-RUN social network and the K-Mods agreed to take on all of the day-to-day maintenance, operation and safekeeping of the website. 

Today, following the celebration of our 100,000th active kommunity member, we move into the next step of this changeover where we come to YOU, the mythical beasts of the Kommunity, to help us decide what this place will look like in the very near future. Planning is now under way to refresh and redesign the website’s pages including:

A brand new top-of-page BANNER

Effective immediately, we are soliciting all of your considerable talents to create a new banner.  Submit your ideas by posting on this KBE discussion thread.  Better yet, put your Graphic Artists skills to good work and completely design one for us!

Ning's header dimensions are only width bound, so banner submissions can be any height but no more than 955 pixels wide.

The contest to submit your banner design will end on Tuesday, September 15th.  All submissions must be posted by that deadline in order to be included in the voting. Once the K-Mods have had an opportunity to review your designs, a voting place will be opened, so no need to "vote" here and now on the entries being posted up.

A new design theme and color scheme for the entire site

The Ning site builder tools have over 50 basic designs to choose from, but we hope to narrow that down to a “Top 5” before opening up a voting page for the Kommunity members to decide. You can play with the look of your own personal page and maybe come up with a suggestion that’s the best thing since sliced bacon . . . colors, fonts, layout, etc . . . everything can all get the basic or custom design treatment at:



Tell us what you want!

It’s true that not every single wish can be granted, but all serious suggestions will be given due consideration and perhaps you have some idea that will make this site a much better looking and better working place for us all to enjoy. If it's a good idea, benefits the members, promotes a better Kommunity and there's any way to make it happen, we'll jump right on that.


Thanks for the responses but, for all who keep asking, just leaving the setup "as-is" is not an option.  Please see below.

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Replies to This Discussion

Awesome! Any ideas on how to make it better?

I really like this banner.  Great job.

Me too, it still has the green and white in it

Awesome! Looks really cool. Nice combination of old and new :D

Liking something the way it is doesn't always mean we fear change... I wish people didn't assume that.  Can we at least have "keep it as is" as an option when we get to voting?

The mods will take everyone's views into consideration don't worry. Since this was a request direct from R&L, we will have a discussion on this request as things move forward.

Krrikitt - - Sorry, but that just isn't an option. 

The mandate we were given from R&L is to refresh the site's looks. 

It is not that all ties are being broken between the two sites (www.RhettandLink.com and www.RhettandLinkommunity.com) - - there will always remain very strong links between the two and R&L are still paying for all of the bandwith for our 100k+ member site - - but this move is important to emphasize that the Kommunity is now a fan-based and fan-run social network and not an official work product maintained by R&L's Mythical Entertainment company.

Plus, regarding the banner, see the reply by Link (Chiasquatch) just a couple spots down that explains why this change is needed.

Thanks & STAY BEAST!

Very well.  I'm still not happy, but I'm outvoted at the top level, so I'll leave it at that.  I just hope the new design is not a complete unrecognizable overhaul, and in some way pays homage to where we came from.

Hey everybody-

We think this is a great idea!  Just to fill you in...Rhett and I are working on a large-scale update to the design of RhettandLink.com.  As a result, certain aspects of the current Kommunity top banner will make any sense (and link out correctly) anymore.  So it's best to change your top banner for that reason.  

And...the other reason is to make the site more a reflection of you, the mythical beasts...and what better way than to have a mythical beast design the banner?  (And have a KBE to determine that amongst yourselves.)

So my two cents with the new design is not to take a cues from the way RhettandLink.com currently looks, because that's going to change anyways.  Have fun designing potential banners!!

Don't you mean you're throwing in your bitcoin?

Taking in everyone's personal opinion about keeping or changing the kommunity page, is there a way to keep the original page as an option for those who wish to keep it for their personal page?

Since it is evident that the kommunity home page at the least will change appearance, I feel that we cannot just have the randler as our logo.  We are mythical beasts in general and using a randler as a logo to define the kommunity does not seem appropriate. I do like Carol's idea of using the kommunity badge, not only for its color scheme but also as the logo for the kommunity. It may need an update though, not to change it entirely but to add to it since there are more mythical beasts out there besides the unicorn and the randler. I am not an artist so my only contributions would be for research, ideas and opinion. 

There are many great mythical beast artists in our kommunity and if we work together we can definitely create a truly mythical place.

I do hope that you keep into consideration my idea to keep the original page as an option to personalize our own page. 

On the contrary, the RandLer is the most appropriate possible mythical beast for the Kommunity mascot. The RandLer is a mythical beast that was invented and designed by the mythical beasts of the Kommunity; as a result, it has been the mascot of the Kommunity for many years already. The RandLer isn't just any mythical beast: it has always been a representation of the Kommunity and the mythical beasts it comprises. 

For more information on the history of the RandLer and its invention on/for the Kommunity, please see this historical thread: http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/forum/topics/kbe-randler-mascot-design

...as well as the comments on this image for more insight into the history of the RandLer: http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/photo/if-randlers-were-real


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