
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

UPDATE:  09/25/15

With nearly 2000 votes cast and counted, the overwhelmingly preferred design for the new Kommunity banner is . . .

(drumroll please)

Congratulations to our mythical beast Kommunity member TRISEPTA on the winning design.  Coming very soon, all Kommunity common pages will sport this new design, but today you can visit his profile page to see it in working order ...

... and a huge THANK YOU to all who contributed their talent, ideas and opinions in this process. You're all winners!

UPDATE:  09/16/2015

The submission period has ended, and the selection kommittee has narrowed the field down to the TOP 3 entries. 

Please click the yellow pic below to cast your vote at the Google polling place.

(will open a window outside the R&L Kommunity)

Voting will run ONE WEEK ONLY and the winner will be announced on Friday, 25-Sep-2015. 

A message from the K-Mods:

As you may have noticed, there have been several recent changes made to the layout of the Kommunity front page, including some redesign / shifting of the features layout.

This is all part of R&L’s master plan when they decided to “hand over the keys” for this to become a wholly FAN-BASED and FAN-RUN social network and the K-Mods agreed to take on all of the day-to-day maintenance, operation and safekeeping of the website. 

Today, following the celebration of our 100,000th active kommunity member, we move into the next step of this changeover where we come to YOU, the mythical beasts of the Kommunity, to help us decide what this place will look like in the very near future. Planning is now under way to refresh and redesign the website’s pages including:

A brand new top-of-page BANNER

Effective immediately, we are soliciting all of your considerable talents to create a new banner.  Submit your ideas by posting on this KBE discussion thread.  Better yet, put your Graphic Artists skills to good work and completely design one for us!

Ning's header dimensions are only width bound, so banner submissions can be any height but no more than 955 pixels wide.

The contest to submit your banner design will end on Tuesday, September 15th.  All submissions must be posted by that deadline in order to be included in the voting. Once the K-Mods have had an opportunity to review your designs, a voting place will be opened, so no need to "vote" here and now on the entries being posted up.

A new design theme and color scheme for the entire site

The Ning site builder tools have over 50 basic designs to choose from, but we hope to narrow that down to a “Top 5” before opening up a voting page for the Kommunity members to decide. You can play with the look of your own personal page and maybe come up with a suggestion that’s the best thing since sliced bacon . . . colors, fonts, layout, etc . . . everything can all get the basic or custom design treatment at:



Tell us what you want!

It’s true that not every single wish can be granted, but all serious suggestions will be given due consideration and perhaps you have some idea that will make this site a much better looking and better working place for us all to enjoy. If it's a good idea, benefits the members, promotes a better Kommunity and there's any way to make it happen, we'll jump right on that.


Thanks for the responses but, for all who keep asking, just leaving the setup "as-is" is not an option.  Please see below.

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I know directed at Gumbo but I'm just poking nose in. We've had a few people say it runs slow at times, myself included. I did my own check on the site and it is all safe. What can pop up the unsafe error is because it connects to a kind of 'ad database' as part of the Ning platform is advertising at the top of the site etc. 

The server has had some overload issues in the past when traffic is high but that's nothing we control.

However I just got a new Macbook a few days ago and I had zero slow issues on the Kommunity, not sure why that is but it's just an observation.

I for one am excited to see how it turns out! Even though i will miss the old layout, i think it's gonna be a lot of fun to make this site our own, and its a chance to make Rhett and Link Proud! Let's have fun with this guys!

This site was a site that i have recommended to my freinds and now the site is goi'n to get reestablished.BOOM!!!,that just happend

OK...I have an idea for the home page and I am in need of someone with better artistic skills to mock it up.  I will do my best to explain it right now and if there are any questions that would help to clarify it please ask.

First, I like the idea of using the bottom banner from the RhettandLink.com site.

Second, I believe that we need to picture more mythical beast than just the RandLer and Unicorn.  That being said, lets use the banner and have the RandLer pictured in the forefront prominently with his mythical brethren behind him, above him and in the surrounding background, we can even put in a ocean or lake area to show off the mythical beasts of the waters.  

Third, we can keep the Rhett and Link Janus head logo to serve as the link icon for an "about" page for Rhett and Link.

There are more ideas swirling around and I will add them on here as they become more clear to me.

Do you mean something like this?

Just leaving the background color WHITE for now, because the banner color will need to coordinate with the main page profile / theme once that is decided on.

I'm messing with a banner design as had an idea. Hopefully I can pull it off
I have an idea and I'll try to explain it as best as I can. I would do it myself but I'm not a computer artist or something.

I was thinking maybe the banner could either be a dark green or a black and there could be yellow or white stars and/or swirls like stary night. Idk just a thought!!!

This is a quick draft I did. I changed the header/colour options in my page and then I pasted my banner over the top. (Click for bigger)


Thanks. Feel free to play spot the references :)


Right off I see that the RandLer with sword image is taken from the Mythical Beastliness Award patch:

(https://www.flickr.com/photos/rhettandlink/5060383394/sizes/l )

as opposed to the standard RandLer image:


as appears throughout the Kommunity and especially on the Great Seal of the RhettandLinkommunity:


Then, the RandLer and Chia Lincoln are having a discussion on the rocks (an obvious Looking for Ms Locklear reference) and indicating means that Randler has the right to speak since he is on the high rock. Next to the RandLer lies a pile of bacon, obviously.

Off in the distance I spotted Belvedere the Cockatrice announcing to all a GOOD MYTHICAL MORNING.  Nearly hidden behind the trees and shrubbery is Dope Zebra and, one would surmise, inside the suit is Chuck Testa.

A copy of Rhett and Link's classic 2010 album "Up To This Point" lies on the ground at the far right edge.

Above the album lies a fire extinguisher, I suppose a stage prop from T-SHIRT WAR!! (stop motion) which was probably acquired at the R&L Auction & Yard Sale.

Finally, a second, smaller standard RandLer image on the welcome sign post.

Did I miss anything?


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