
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Mythical Beasts of the Rhett and Link Kommunity!

We are about to reach 100,000 members!
*cue confetti and fireworks*

To mark the amazing occasion, Rhett and Link are going to take some time out of their day to film a little Kommunity Exclusive video and answer some of your questions!

So we need you to reply to this discussion with your question submissions.

  • Be original! - Rhett and Link only have the free time to answer a handful of questions so increase the chance of yours being asked by thinking of something they have not answered 100 times already: "Have you ever been punched in the face" :)

  • Deadline is this Saturday! - Yes we know it's soon but we have faith in the ability of our Mythical Beasts to come up with some awesome questions in this short space of time.

So get your thinking caps on and let's start the celebration!

Ready.. set.... go!

Edit: After some confusion in chat room: R&L won't be answering the questions in this thread. They will be sent a shortlist from this thread and they will be making a Kommunity exclusive video which will feature some of your questions.

Views: 6974

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Replies to This Discussion

You have said that sometimes you do more than one Good Mythical Morning in one day. How does your system of wardrobe changing work? Do you have a whole separate set of clothes at the studio or do you just take extra clothes to work?

Rhett, What is the meaning of life?

Everyone knows this. It's 42

What do you think of the time Link spent with his beard. Good or bad?

Do you think you're going to do something over in the UK?
Have you ever thought of doing a meet up anywhere outside of America and if so, where would you go? Also, if you could go to any country of you choice that you haven't been to before, where would you go and what would you do?

Who can do the most farts in 1 minute

How much do the comments on your videos actually change/make and impact on you show? How often do you read your comments and react from them?

What would be your idea of the perfect day?

If you could only continue to pursue one area of work (main channel vids, GMM, earbiscuits, etc.) what would it be?

If you couLe relive one moment of your lives, what would you choose?
Have you ever thought about giving up your YouTube careers and leaving it all behind
How bothersome, dare I say annoying, is it when fans approach you when you are out and about? After watching the 11 hour "All Night Long" video and watching what happened when people recognized you and starting wanting to chat, I wondered about it ALL NIGHT LONG.


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