
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Mythical Beasts of the Rhett and Link Kommunity!

We are about to reach 100,000 members!
*cue confetti and fireworks*

To mark the amazing occasion, Rhett and Link are going to take some time out of their day to film a little Kommunity Exclusive video and answer some of your questions!

So we need you to reply to this discussion with your question submissions.

  • Be original! - Rhett and Link only have the free time to answer a handful of questions so increase the chance of yours being asked by thinking of something they have not answered 100 times already: "Have you ever been punched in the face" :)

  • Deadline is this Saturday! - Yes we know it's soon but we have faith in the ability of our Mythical Beasts to come up with some awesome questions in this short space of time.

So get your thinking caps on and let's start the celebration!

Ready.. set.... go!

Edit: After some confusion in chat room: R&L won't be answering the questions in this thread. They will be sent a shortlist from this thread and they will be making a Kommunity exclusive video which will feature some of your questions.

Views: 6972

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Replies to This Discussion

If you could go back in time to any moment what would you do where will you go and when?
Do you pour your milk or your cereal first?
Just kidding, ha ha
When did you guys first realised you were friends, was is like friends at first sight? Please answer both.
Rhett and Link, would you ever do a video with danisnotonfire/ Dan Howell?

What is the craziest thing a Mythical Beast has sent you and/or done for you?

Would you ever consider going on a tour?

What jobs were you thinking about before you started GMM, and what job would you do now if GMM would end?

What inspires you to make your music videos, comedy, and shows?

How do you find time to think of all the crazy and fun things that you do on gmm
If you were a mythical beast what would you look like and what would your name be?

Already asked and answered many years ago - -

Rhett is the Shahbaz and Link is a Chiasquatch

Reply by Link (Chiasquatch) on April 7, 2010 at 9:02am

My mythical beast name was chosen by YOU (and me) in this discussion:

Reply by Rhett (Shahbaz) on May 12, 2010 at 9:58am

Mine is Shahbaz. I found it on the mythical creatures list on the wiki entry we were looking at, trying to give people some ideas.

It all comes from a story of our time with JohnBoy (popular radio host here in the Southern US). We were hanging out at his farm with some of his friends, and Carl the Cook, the man behind the JohnBoy and Billy BBQ Sauces, started talking freely about me and Link. He had had a few beverages that encouraged this.

During his description of me, he told me..."Man...you....you look like a falcon."

Shahbaz means Giant Falcon. So there you go.

Shahbaz and Chiasquatch

If a rhino and a werewolf were to cross breed what would you name it? Btw rhett has better hair than link when he leaves it down .
If you could sneak into one celebrity's house who's would it be and how would you get it?


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