
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Post a blog post, or picture here, in which you theorize about picking eating, or face your own picky eating habits!

If you post a video, post it under "Beast Videos" and entitle the video KBE: Picky Eating!

Good luck, be creative, and have fun!

Contest Rules:
Post a blog post, video, or picture, in which you theorize about picking eating, or face your own picky eating habits.

Contest Winners:
1-a. Most creative or memorable picture or video.
1-b. Most thought provoking or interesting idea or theory behind why people are picky eaters (video or blog post).

-Each winner will receive a shout-out from Rhett and Link in an upcoming vlog.
-Also, each winner gets to give Rhett and Link any tasteful and random phrase to say in an upcoming vlog. Good luck Mythical Beasts!

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The innate behavior of humans to be selfish and want their own desires starts to create the selfish pickiness of people. In the womb, the cravings of the mother, guide and affect the subconscious to learn to want or not want certain foods. These likes and dislikes cause a growing child to love or hate certain foods. *Note certain foods are innately enjoyed by most such as sweet foods, as the body recognizes the high energy it possesses, which would be needed by our early ancestors.* As the child matures and develops its pickiness can reflect its own selfishness by the degree of how much the person in question avoids foods of dislike. The selfishness is highlighted if the food is not prepared by the picky person, which can be described by the cliché phrase "never look a gift horse in the mouth."
Theory of Caleb Mennen
aka mennenkid
aka Calebsan
I will have to see that and how you overcome your pickle dislike. I think pickles are disgusting.

Ryan Harris (The Flying Mango) said:
I am going to make my best video I have made yet in HD overcomming pickles
I have a picky-eater story, not sure if it would be considered a "theory."

When I was younger, I was a very picky eater. Over the years I've grown to like some of those foods that I didn't like as a kid. And I've also tried some new foods that I realized I like. Thanks to wanting to eat healthier and wanting to expand my limited diet of foods, I now have more choices on what I like to eat. I also can thank some vegetarian friends that introduced me to foods I've never tried before. It seems to never fail, at almost each family get together for the holidays, someone in my family will see me eating something that I didn't like as a kid. They ask, "So you like eating (ketchup, etc.)?" And I reply, "Yes, someone asked me that the last time we got together. I've been eating (fill in the blank) for a long time now."

I think that I need to give a list of foods that I like to eat to everyone in my family so they stop asking me "You like....?" I will call it "The Food Update by Christine....as of 2010 these are the foods I will eat." Maybe I could create a trivia game about the foods I like and see how many answers my family members can answer correctly. Moral of story, "Don't be a picky eater, because then you won't get picked on." Note: You would need to not be a picky eater at a young age for this to work.

I am not totally free from being a picky eater, some foods I don't think I'll ever like are:

blue cheese, mustard, uncooked onions, boiled eggs, seafood, cottage cheese, real spicy foods, chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, chocolate milk (just give me chocolate candy, but no other form of chocolate)
Where is it? I don't see a link to click on.

Ryan Harris (The Flying Mango) said:
Here it is
I do concede
I liked it, Ryan!!

Ryan Harris (The Flying Mango) said:
srry http://rhettandlink.ning.com/video/picky-eating-challengecontest

Christine (Raeful Ladybug) said:
Where is it? I don't see a link to click on.

Ryan Harris (The Flying Mango) said:
Here it is
Some people are picky eaters because when they were young, they didn't have a lot of money, and some food, like potatoes for example, were too often on the menu. Overdose of certain food = picky eaters.

I honestly don't know what makes a picky eater because I am an avid eater! I love food and I will try just about anything. That being said, even I have things that I'm not fond of. At the top of my list - fruit cocktail. I'm not a fan of fruit in general so a bowl of mushy fruit in a syrup is something I usually avoid. Only for Rhett and Link and my fellow mythical beasts have I decided to comsume this thing of which I loathe.

Picky eating in children is often more about exerting control that about the food itself, especially considering when picky eating usually begins 2-6 years old. At this age, children desire to control the world around them yet often cannot. Asking the child what they want to eat a meal times and having them participate in making the meal at an age-appropriate level can help minimize picky eating.

Picky eating in adults seems to result from a lack of experience with nontraditional foods. If you get to be 30 years old and had never had vindaloo, it's likely that you will think it is awful. If you move to India, suddenly you are a very picky eater. On the other hand, many people from other countries find a bacon cheeseburger absolutely disgusting.

For myself, I seem to be pickiest about textures. I can't stand sushi: with the sticky rice clinging to my teeth, the seaweed coating my tongue with slime and the mushy fish or vegetables just completing the experience. I also don't like escargot because it's just so rubbery and difficult to chew. Oysters, even when fried, feel like globs of snot in my mouth. I don't consider myself to be picky though, because I love Greek, Mexican, Italian, Russian, Ethiopian, Indian, Thai, Lebanese, Chinese, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Peruvian, Philipino, and American food.
At Christmas time, we make these round little shortbread cookies with something inside. Ususally we fill them with MnM's or coconut or dried apricots. One time we use dates and it totally looked like there was a cockroach inside the cookie. Ewww!

Wanda (Sea Llama) said:
This is what I gave my husband for his birthday a few weeks ago... All the foods he hates! Dates, Dr. Pepper, and mustard! I enjoyed them. :-)

I personally Believe that everyone has different sensitivities in the nervous system, and that the different taste buds have different tastes, and that as we grow our taste buds change. A bad/good experience with a certain food may contribute to likes or dislikes. Religion, texture or strength of food may result in likes or dislikes, General types of food that you were raised on may contribute to this also. I know that we humans as a general rule like to feel secure, and change sometimes makes us feel insecure, which could result in us automatically disliking the change that is occurring, such as trying a new food.
Heres the link to my blog post about it:



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