
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

7/25/15 UPDATE:  Hey beasts!  Thanks so much for all your trivia ideas!  We've gathered plenty to help us meet our quota for the app we're developing.  But I'm gonna leave this discussion open so you can continue to add trivia questions, since it seems like it's a fun exercise.  (And who knows, maybe we'll need more trivia questions down the road.)  Thanks for all your contributions!  - Link

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~original post below~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey Beasts!

We thought this would be a fun K.B.E. Annnd you'll be helping us with an exciting new project in the process.  We’re developing the official Rhett&Link Trivia App--it's gonna be fun and game-ified!  You'll be able to quantify your knowledge of us and our videos...and  your level of mythical beastliness!  

But one of the things we need to do is write the trivia questions....So we thought it’d be fun to open it up for you to help us brainstorm those (as well as the associated multiple choice answers).  

Post trivia questions below along with 4 multiple choice answers!

They can be related to any of our videos or stuff we've shared on GMM or Ear Biscuits.  All questions shouldn't be suuuper difficult, but some can be!  

Also- you might have suggestions to reword questions to make the answers more fun.  For example, here's a question:

"What's the name of Link's youngest child?"A.  Larry  B. Cindy C. Lando or D. Shepherd

but it's a much more fun question if you ask it this way:

Link's youngest child is named after what super awesome movie character? A.  Gandalf Stormcrow B. Lando Calrissian C.  John McLean or D. Katniss Everdeen

See?  You can suggest questions, and also make suggested questions better.  No wrong answers here (well, most answers are wrong but you know what I mean)!  Have fun!

- R&L


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In a Rhett and Link only Ear Biscuits, What does Rhett refer to his "phases" as?   a) Hobbies   b) Layers  c) Experiments  d) Episodes.

Please remember to mark the answer or reply with it. Thanks

In the sleep tight music video, the tooth fairy mentions they grind the teeth and do what with them?

A)Bake brownies
B)Sell them to Link
C)Put the in fast food
T-shirt war was an amazing 3 1/2 min stop motion movie, how many shirts were used in the making?

D)None it was a pants based battle but pants wars was already taken by a documentary about violence in denim jeans making business.
In which music video did Link accidently trip while going off camera?

B)Photoshop song
C)Just being honest
D)It's My Belly button

Source: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PvSUfThAHas
In which episode did Link say 'my cheeks are sweating, all four of them'
A. The Spicy Pepper Challenge
B. Can You Give Yourself the Hiccups
C. Will it Vaccum Seal
D. Will it Donut

Answer: B

What was on the thumbnail of the 700th episode?
A. The number 700 with confetti surrounding it
B. Rhett and Link eating 700 cheese balls
C. Link getting splashed with water balloons
D. It's a trick question, 700 is a crazy number of episodes.

Answer: C

Which was the very first 'Song Biscuits'' Episode Named
A. The Bubble Bullets Song
B. Ep.1 Grace Helbig
C. The First Comment Song
D. What's a Song Biscuit?

Answer A

What was the very first video ever on the Rhett and Link channel?
A. The Unibrow Song
B. How to Eat Apple Sauce Like a Boss
C. The Dam
D. Burgaz Megatator Commercial

Answer: C

Trivia Question: Who was the first guest on the first episode of Ear Biscuits?

A. Joe Bereta

B. Grace Helbig

C. Hannah Hart

D. Lee Newton

[ B ]

(Highlight the brackets for the answer)

What does Rhett like to sniff?
A. Apples
B. Wood
C. Bananas
D. Peanut butter

What is the cow's name in the 'Are You Gonna Eat That?' music video?

A.  Betsy

B.  Callie

C.  Cat  *

D.  Sally




What was Link drinking in Season 1 Episode #25 (Our Kids Gone Wild) GMM?

A.  Coffee

B.  Water

C. A Juice Box  *

D.  A Smoothie




What did Link do for Christie on the Valentines Day of their Junior year in college?

A.  Take her to a movie

B.  Put about 500 heart shaped Post It Notes of her car with one saying, "I'm stuck on you."    *

C.  Proposed

D.  Sent her flowers




What is Link and Christie's song?

A.  November Rain

B.  Stuck On You  *

C.  My Heart Will Go On

D.  White and Nerdy



What was the public sleeper's name that Rhett dared Link to go and get up close video footage of for "points" in the park?

A.  Rob   *

B.  Ray

C.  Chuck Testa

D.  Liam



Why did Link insert tiny rolled balls of bread into his tonsils?

A.  He thought that he could culture yeast for sour dough bread

B.  He wanted to taste bread all day

C.  The Purple People on Pluto told him to do it

D.  He was trying to recreate tonsil stones so that his doctor would remove his tonsils  *




By what i saw this was quite popular question in the comments of Squirrel Rights, so i thought why not add this here to the succestions:

What is the point of having glasses under the squirrel mask?

A. Link can't see close and he climbed trees, so he had to leave them on

B. Rhett had them for entertaiment

C. Because it wouldn't take long so Link just kept them on

D. Because they both had to wear glasses

E. Link can't see far, so he just kept them on

I don't know what the answer is, for this question but this might my conclusion is: i watched today again what women want and Link didn't have glasses on it so he was narrowing his eyes almost the hole time and he wears his glasses so often so he might not be able to see close without glasses, so that's why he has glasses under the mask, by what my conclusion says, specially cause that is usually what people do if they can't see without their glasses, either to far or close, most of this, i know because of having glasses, and also by my parents having glasses, my mom can't read some things without them, my dad can't also+ can't see too far and i myself can't see far :D

what did rhett and link get a tattoo of                                                                                                                                                                             A.a mythical beast                                                                                                                                                                                                             B.the rhett and link logo                                                                                                                                                                                                   C.their wives names                                                                                                                                                                                                           D.the year they met


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