
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

7/25/15 UPDATE:  Hey beasts!  Thanks so much for all your trivia ideas!  We've gathered plenty to help us meet our quota for the app we're developing.  But I'm gonna leave this discussion open so you can continue to add trivia questions, since it seems like it's a fun exercise.  (And who knows, maybe we'll need more trivia questions down the road.)  Thanks for all your contributions!  - Link

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~original post below~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey Beasts!

We thought this would be a fun K.B.E. Annnd you'll be helping us with an exciting new project in the process.  We’re developing the official Rhett&Link Trivia App--it's gonna be fun and game-ified!  You'll be able to quantify your knowledge of us and our videos...and  your level of mythical beastliness!  

But one of the things we need to do is write the trivia questions....So we thought it’d be fun to open it up for you to help us brainstorm those (as well as the associated multiple choice answers).  

Post trivia questions below along with 4 multiple choice answers!

They can be related to any of our videos or stuff we've shared on GMM or Ear Biscuits.  All questions shouldn't be suuuper difficult, but some can be!  

Also- you might have suggestions to reword questions to make the answers more fun.  For example, here's a question:

"What's the name of Link's youngest child?"A.  Larry  B. Cindy C. Lando or D. Shepherd

but it's a much more fun question if you ask it this way:

Link's youngest child is named after what super awesome movie character? A.  Gandalf Stormcrow B. Lando Calrissian C.  John McLean or D. Katniss Everdeen

See?  You can suggest questions, and also make suggested questions better.  No wrong answers here (well, most answers are wrong but you know what I mean)!  Have fun!

- R&L


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How many items were tested and used in the following Will it's in Good Mythical Morning?:

Will it Cookie?

Will it Ice Cream Sandwich?

Will it Hot Pocket?

Will it Cereal?

a) 14




What animal does Rhett want as a pet?
A)Portaguese Spider
B)Tiger Pistol Shrimp
D)Fennec Fox

The K-mods are collecting all the questions but we don't know the answers to everything unfortunately ;)
Please can you reply with the answer. Thanks

What was the name of Rhett and Link's second Girlfriend?
A. Tabitha
B. Amber
C. Leslie
D. Jessie

What hurt Rhett's eyes in their "I'm on Vacation" music video?

A. A shark and a bike

B. A surfboard and an inkpen

C. Link and a beach ball

D. A knife and a coconut 

According to GMM footage, which host is evil?
A) Rhett
B) Link
C) Trick question; They're both evil
D) Trick Question; Neither of them are evil

Trust me, I can come up with lots more even better than this. Trivia is my thing, man. And ironically just today I was wondering if I could find a GMM trivia app in the App Store. Great minds ;)
What and where are rhett and links tattoos?
A) a miniature horse on their foot
B) their wives names on their butts
C) squirley on their lower back
D) their kids names on their ribs
Rhett and Link had a children's bible study musical group.

A) True
B) False
True - The Fabulous Bentley Brothers
Rhett and Link have a full length documentary called?
A) The Tracking of Red October 31st
B) Have You Seen Gilligan
C) Dude, Have you Seen Deborah Marshall
D) Looking for Ms. Locklear
Answer - D
Who gave the current name of the fox in the picture hanging on the set wall? (Name as well)
A) Rhett ~ Rhett McFoxlin
B) Link ~ Foxy
C) Rhett ~ Snickers
D) Link ~ Snickledumper


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