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Would you rather vomit three times a day for the rest of your life...




Would you rather be woken three times a night by a screaming baby?




(Isn't parenthood grand?)

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done both for three years. gonna go with cancun.
Roflol... Not allowed! (Although I hear you!)

Gene' Brinson Squirrel Whisperer said:
done both for three years. gonna go with cancun.
Well then I think Ill go with the throwing up three times a day since you eventually get used to it. Lack of sleep is degenerative. It just gets worse each night. Plus if Im barfing I can get away with a lot of stuff. Like speeding. I get pulled over and throw up on copper's shoes. I just got out of a ticket.
Wanda (Sea Llama) said:
Roflol... Not allowed! (Although I hear you!)

Gene' Brinson Squirrel Whisperer said:
done both for three years. gonna go with cancun.
hahahahah i STILL have a vomit phobia and I was a medic, a prego puking machine AND a mommy. Maybe it's just our makeup. But eyeballs also freak me out. I can not handle eye injuries for some reason. Or watching eye surgeries. I went off track just now, didn't I?...

Beth Roth(Grimalkin) said:
Hmmm...I think I need more info about the screaming baby. If it screams and then goes right back to sleep I'll go with that. I wake up at least times a night already because of husband snoring, cats climbing on me, etc.

I also have a really bad vomit phobia which was not cured by pregnancy sickness, nor by having two pukey kids, so I'd take almost anything over vomiting.
HAHAHA I just notices the husband snoring and cats climbing....I think you might be my twin

Gene' Brinson Squirrel Whisperer said:
hahahahah i STILL have a vomit phobia and I was a medic, a prego puking machine AND a mommy. Maybe it's just our makeup. But eyeballs also freak me out. I can not handle eye injuries for some reason. Or watching eye surgeries. I went off track just now, didn't I?...

Beth Roth(Grimalkin) said:
Hmmm...I think I need more info about the screaming baby. If it screams and then goes right back to sleep I'll go with that. I wake up at least times a night already because of husband snoring, cats climbing on me, etc.

I also have a really bad vomit phobia which was not cured by pregnancy sickness, nor by having two pukey kids, so I'd take almost anything over vomiting.
I would definitely choose the vomiting... Having breast fed twins, I remember very well the hardship of having very little sleep. You can't cope as well without a good nights rest---grumpy doesn't even scratch the surface of how I am with little sleep.
Ooooh definitely the baby. Puking is my least favourite thing in the world.
pukeing of course. if i get a full nights sleep i'll puke after every meal lol. screaming babies are the worst
Goin to have to go with vomiting because I would not be able to stand being woken up three times each night :-)
Vomit. I like sleep. And I'm okay with throwing up.
I'd go with throwing up - babies are nice but I can't handle it when i hear them cry...
Hmm I would choose vomiting if I can choose when I can vomit those three times a day. Because a baby might not stop... plus I value my REM sleep.


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