
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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My friends

i was scrolling around youtube in 2010 and i found one of their videos and i thought "how did ii not know them before"

well I just was surfing the net this Jan trying to find something interesting and I ultimately found GMM . It was only when I got a look at What The Heck Are They Doing  that I came across this. :-)

A few months ago youtube began recommending their videos.  Eventually I started watching them, slowly at first now mass watching GMM trying to catch up.

I found them randomly looking on youtube and watched there recent challenge videos, Will it pizza? Etc. So far I am watching through season 2 of GMM and I'm loving every moment of it. Really gave me hope in the human race again Rhett & Link! Thank you for the outstandingly entertaining videos!

My friend showed me them.

I first saw them on Youtubers React! I just randomly started watching an episode of GMM and now I'm addicted! 

I saw Rhett and Link 3 years ago with my family. First video I saw was on Christmas and was Christmas sweats :). Soon we watched rub some bacon on it. We then watched the middle school musicals and finally nilla wafer top hat time. I found good mythical morning a year later. I watched and began to love the show! I now know almost everyhting about rhett and link, and I'm continuing to watch their shows and videos. :D

Getting lost in the internet I stumbled across Rhett and Link, disheveled from my journey I began watching their video's and never stopped, this happened about 3 weeks ago. 

I forgot the date but it was the era of the "Old School Youtube". I was just clicking some random suggested videos and then I saw their Facebook Song without knowing/caring about who they are. After a few years I  saw their collab video with MysteryGuitarMan called the T-SHIRT WAR and then I joined the first SupeNote2010 for MGM's team and then the SuperNote2014 Danisnotonfire's team STILL without caring about who they are (haha sorry) and then I saw TheFineBros' KidsReact to Rhett and Link and then I was addicted to their main channel's videos and because of that I discovered Good Mythical Morning. After a few weeks, I found myself watching and replaying their videos and so... a new mythical beast was born.

-the end-

I have no idea how I found Rhett and Link. I litterally thought they were the guys from flight of the Concord on the french episode when they  teach French. But I'm vero happy I DIIIID!

I don't remeber but I think it was The Spanner video .. "Pee so big it hurts"..


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