
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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i really dont know i think it was recomened

About a year ago in a music lesson when my friend, Harrison, introduced me to the pair. He just turned to me and said, "Do you know of Rhett and Link?"

I told him no and he quickly dragged me to a computer. 

He found youtube and stuck on one of their videos and watched my face as I was introduced to two people who would quickly become inspirational figures in my life. 

We then spent the rest of the lesson watching their videos instead of playing music (which I rather enjoyed, and still do, and is a hobby I don't pass up too easily). We got some heat off of our teacher of course, but it was well worth the descovery I had made. 

I was browsing through youtube when i stumbled onto one of their videos. One thing lead to another and next thing I know I'm in the community.

I found them while browsing YouTube. I have watched every episode of GMM since then.

I was watching something sciencey a looooong while ago and i saw them in a suggested video, and i was like "oh hey this looks interesting" so i clicked it and i was like "oh hey these guys are kinda funny" so i clicked their next video and then i was like "oh hey it's 5 am i should probably get some sleep" so i clicked the next video and completely forgot what sleep was. so yeah c:

Well Basically, I had heard about a funny invention called the speech jammer, and when i googled it I got sent to the rett and link video for it and it was hilarious, and ever since then i've been watching the show every day, its so great. 

I think I was looking up some random, interesting topic and there they were. After watching the related video I spotted another random, interesting topic these two whackaloons had done a video on, so I checked it out. After about four more of those I decided to see just how many videos these guys had produced, surprise! I still haven't actually binged out but that time is coming. For now, I am a subscriber an a new Mythical Beast.

My friend showed me their t-shirt war video, my favourite pillow and the caption fails and then I forgot about them for a long time... Then something mythical happened inside me and I felt an urge to check them out again... Now "I'm hooked and I can't stop staring"!!! :D

I found Rhett and Link through YouTube, obviously. I clicked on the "What to Watch" button, and on the screen of stuff that YouTube recommended for me, one of them was the channel "Good Mythical Morning". So, I watched some of their videos and loved them, so I did some research(Wikipedia, my source of information on just about everything), like I always do when I find something seemingly popular(based on number of subscribers) that I for whatever reason had never heard of, and learned all about them, and then subscribed to all of their channels. Have you ever found something out that you never knew or heard of before, but then after you learn about it, you see it everywhere? That's how it was when I found this. It was like it was hiding from me or something. I ended up seeing them on the DFTBA website, which I was subscribed to already(back before they updated it when there wasn't accounts). And then soon after that, my little sister asks me, "Have you heard of Good Mythical Morning? I saw them on YouTube and they're videos are great." (paraphrasing of course) And so then I told her that I had recently heard of them and I told her everything I had learned about them, and she said she didn't even know their names until I told her. So, anyways, after that long rant that probably no one read all the way through, that described how I found out about Rhett and Link.  

My friend discovered Commercial Kings and we both watched and loved it! Looked them up and found their abundance of Youtube channels. Now I make sure to watch Good Mythical Morning every weekday. 

My friend was telling me about them and now I love them and got three others hooked!

My friend showed me Chuck Testa ages ago, which cracked us up to pieces, and I saw a few other videos by Rhett and Link before connecting them in my mind.  I played Smule and downloaded their songs on there, still didn't make the connection, until I saw a video which was featured on Upworthy or some other site, and then watched another and another and another.  I subscribed to all of their channels earlier this year and then got really busy with life.  I recently got re-hooked on watching all the old stuff by them that I haven't seen and I CAN'T GET ENOUGH.  


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