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Hey if there was a country of good mythical morning would you live there and this is a stupid question cuz I bet every awnser would be yes

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hmm not so sure.. you get force fed some messed up food combinations and then not allowed to spit it out.

Are you trying to tell me something or say something mean

Episode of GMM. Link doesn't let Eddie (think it was Eddie) spit out the food. 

Why's dat
What if it's all the subscribers of gmm 7,000,000

Well, it all depends on a number of factors . . .

  1. SIZE - - so, yeah, if 7 million MBs are going to populate a space the size of The Republic of Cheesistan, probably not
  2. LOCATION - - if the country of GMM is taking over South Dakota (I hate snow and ice - no offense, UniSeal) then the answer is NO!!! . . . if it's in the neighborhood of Hawaii then I'm leaning more to the positive side
  3. FOOD - - just face it, some places are just not known for their menu choices . . . I grew up in South Louisiana and love to cook and eat the things I grew up on, especially wild game and seafood.  Nobody ever took a vacation and traveled to Indiana to study the delicacies of the regional cuisine.
  4. GOVERNMENT - - fairly self explanatory, but if not a democratic republic with liberties such as we enjoy here in the good old U.S.ofA. then I would only consider an alternate country where I am supreme ruler and potentate . . .

Come to think of it, forget about the country of Good Mythical Morning.

I'm taking over some small tropical island and finally establishing the dreamland . . .


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