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Would you rather never have candy again and be super fit, or have candy and be miserable but content with your food choices? 

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Never have candy again, But That won't ever Happen!

Never have candy again. Trust me, you get used to it. (Not that I never have candy, just much, much less than the typical person (In america))

I wish I could do that haha, I need better eating habbits.

Julian Edwards (Shishi) said:

Never have candy again. Trust me, you get used to it. (Not that I never have candy, just much, much less than the typical person (In america))

One thing you can do is stop drinking soda, that helps alot. And also, did you know that when you crave sugar you are actually craving protein? I remember at Halloween I had a bunch of candy in my room and I really wanted to eat it. But then I ate some Greek Yogurt (Good Protein, just put some honey/jelly/hot chocolate mix) and I didn't have a crave for chocolate anymore :D And when craving fatty things like barbecue you are actually craving Omega-3 Fatty Acids. One thing I like to do is buy a big thing of whey protein, then make some Chocolate Multo-Meal, and put a scoop of whey protein in it, mmmm. And if you like milk it's really good just mixed up like that too, especially with some cinnamon and a little chocolate mix :P Omega-3 Fatty Acids can be gotten from almonds I think, don't remember too many others. You can also take supplements.

Does candy include chocolate?



I would prefer No Candy Again, because honestly that would be awesome to pull off.

Dude that would be


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