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Hello fellow mythical beasts,
I have been wondering about the campaign for Clearly Canadian. I fear I may have missed something. Back when this first started I was regularly checking the website to see when the goal was reached. And it was, but I never seen Rhett or Link talk about it in an episode. They kept mentioning it up until the point when the goal was reached. I also did not receive an email when I ordered my two cases. I have not been charged, and I have not received the product. It has been a very long time since I've heard about it. What happened? Did it fail? Was the goal actually not reached? Did I miss an episode where they explained this? Thank you.

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You should of received an email when you first ordered, if you did not chances are you misspelt your email by accident. This could be a problem if you wanted to join the live toasting with Rhett and Link.

There is a forum post all about the Clearly Canadian campaign here and various updates: Clearly Canadian Goal Reached - Pre-Orders Closed

If you did not get the email when you first ordered, I am unsure if you will of been added to the Toast email list. The emails to pay have all been sent out but you can use this url to pay if you did not receive it: http://www.clearlycanadian.com

I would suggest you email Jenn at Clearly Canadian to check if they have your email address on file from being an original R&L pre-order at: support@clearlycanadian.com

I received an e-mail that had me click a link to actually purchase the item(s) I had on reserve. Once I did, I was charged. Everyone who had reserved a case or more should have gotten the e-mail. Once I purchased it, I got another e-mail as a receipt for my purchase. Now I just wait for it to arrive once they get them shipped. I would love to hear them talk about it again on their show to update us though.

Yeah, I contacted R&L about it to inform them the email for purchase has gone out after a discussion with Clearly Canadian brought it to my attention they could use help to spread the word. But so far we have not heard if they are going to mention it or not. 
You can see on that site that very few of the preordered cases have been paid for at this stage.

What should I do if I confirmed my order with them and now they said I canceled it? grrrrr this is so stressful. I ordered my case like in April and i put my new info with them even. 

I emailed them about the canceled order(CC). It is all very confusing for us all. We all want to make sure we are in like Flynn with the R and L deal but it is really not straight forward yet. 

Yeah, emailing support@clearlycanadian.com was the right move -- they have to be the ones to fix whatever went wrong with your order on their end. Hopefully they get it sorted out!

Okay, thank you for the response. Have Rhett and Link talked about it that I missed? I thought they would have mentioned it again by now. So the live toast hasn't happened yet?

No, Rhett and Link haven't yet mentioned it again on GMM/GMMore.

The live toast won't happen until people actually receive their cases of Clearly Canadian, so everyone has the actual glasses in hand for a toast. At some point, closer to when it will actually happen, Clearly Canadian/Rhett and Link will send out the link to the actual live stream.

Okay cool. Thank you!

I know everyone wont get their cases at the same time, but I hope it still goes throu. I can't wait! I miss CC and of course it helps that Rhett and Link like it too!

Sorry for the confusion on this...if your preorder email information was entered correctly, you should have (in the past week or two) received an email prompting you to confirm you order and be charged.  We are still awaiting word on exact delivery dates.  At that point, we'll be making more announcements.  In the meantime, contacting Clearly Canadian directly is the best way to resolve any issues.  

I did email them,I got email saying to not play attention to my "canceled order" but I also hope it don't happen to others.

 So if you know you put your info, and I know you had a pre order and you get a canceled order email, it never hurts to email them. 

I might have gotten the email because I had to change my original card number from when I first put the pre order.  It might have tried to use the old info but I also put in my new info. So it could have just been me. I was worried because they had my old info and don't use paypal.

It is all good. I want my CC aaahhhhrrgggggggggggg. :) I will be really sad if it taste funny. 

Yeah I had to update my card details too in the payment email but bank statement said all was good. :) 

Beginning October was the estimate for shipping last chat with the CC rep I had.


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