Yea!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for starting the discussion the guys asked for in their blog, Jeanette! I have personally never been abducted by aliens, but I've met Whitley Streiber (author and main character of "Communion,") and I am absolutely certain something other-worldly has happened to that guy!
Actually, Jeannette, I think it would be best to keep this conversation on topic so there is no confusion in the Kommunity. If you'd like to discuss your faith (which I happen to share), there's a wonderful group here for that, or you're welcome to start a discussion in the "General Discussion" forum category that is clearly titled. Just a little housekeeping. Thanks for understanding!
Interesting discussion....never have been abducted by aliens myself.
Considering the size of the universe, I think it would be really silly to deny the possibility of other 'life forms' being out there. I mean, for all we know, our planet, solar system and universe could be somebody's science fair project...what we think is so "big" could just be held in an aquarium on a folding table in some gymnasium, awaiting a grade. Who knows?
I am abducted, this is a call for help! They have trapped me in my computer on the internet so they may do test on me! HELP!!!
*Wakes sweating.* "Oh, it was only a dream!" *Looks to the side.*
"Please, take me to your leader."