
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Karrie (The Original Bookworm)
  • Female
  • Garden Grove, CA
  • United States
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Karrie (The Original Bookworm)'s Friends

  • Quast
  • henleyLamar
  • Liam (Loch Ness Munster)
  • Sadie  (Abada Bell)
  • Ash (InkyShark)
  • minergal (winged squirtle)
  • Rose E Sheckler (Cinderelephant)
  • Just Justine (Winged Centaur)
  • Jen Kukucka (Nuggetraus)
  • Jeffrey B. Quante V
  • Phantomgirl22
  • Marcus Bean (Wilt)
  • Lucy S.
  • RattixNova606
  • Lana (geekypeach)

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Karrie (The Original Bookworm)'s Blog

The Dark Knight Rises: You didn't really think he would die did you?

Posted on August 8, 2012 at 10:45pm 0 Comments

So yes folks, I finally saw the Dark Knight Rises. 

I'm gonna start this off by saying Chris Nolan did a wonderful job, especially considering he was given a princess dressed in a black widow suit (Anne Hathaway, sorry still see her as the character in Princess Diaries) and a man with a perpetual cold voice.

Sorry, but that's only cool when Rhett does it. :)

Ok now that I'm done being sarcastic, I really loved this movie, although there was some unnecsessary cussing, but…


Don't Ever SAY This! Don't Ever DREAM this!

Posted on August 7, 2012 at 3:00pm 0 Comments

So Season 2 continues on, and it gets freakier! 

So I don't know if this has ever happened to any of you, where you dream about the same thing as your friend, or perhaps your spouse if your married. I have shared dreams about things I was anxious about with other people, who probably thought about this as well. For example, I have had shared dreams of my first day of school, and a serious doctor's appointment.

But nothing weird, like someone coming to get me...

I did a…


GMM Season 2: The Epic Reveal!

Posted on August 6, 2012 at 6:02pm 0 Comments

So it only took a month for GMM to return to it's former glory, and dare I say it's better? 

Now I'm not saying that an intro with music suddenly makes a podcast/video series great, but it sure does help!

If you haven't seen any episodes, go check out a few of GMM Season 1, which will give you an idea of how 1) random it is and 2) how the format and topics usually go.

Now, might just be me, but I saw a comment from Link that said there was an Easter Egg in the…


Bibliophiles, Bookworm, & Bibliomania!

Posted on August 5, 2012 at 3:00pm 1 Comment

So as you may have noticed, my beast name is 'the original bookworms'. Now that may sound boring, but I spent almost an hour on my computer looking through mythical beast names, and none really stood out to me. But then I began looking around my room and what did I see? Books, books, computer, writing pads, and more books!

"Bookworm!" I thought in an instant. I thought about it and decided I needed to do some research. I mean, was a bookworm even mythical? So it turns out…


Comment Wall (18 comments)

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At 12:28am on July 20, 2014, Sadie (Abada Bell) said…

Oh yeah, when are the videos from Mythicon 2014 going to be uploaded?

At 12:27am on July 20, 2014, Sadie (Abada Bell) said…

Yes, the Abada. So majestical.
I had a blast meeting everyone and I can't wait to see you all again next year!

Stay Mythical,

At 12:17am on August 20, 2013, Rachel (Nezulupantro) said…
Here is our video from MythiCon! http://youtu.be/gq-wiuwERBw
At 9:36pm on August 18, 2013, Rachel (Nezulupantro) said…

love your new profile pic :P lol

At 2:23pm on January 25, 2013, Rachel (Nezulupantro) said…


February 2, 2013 @ 10AM PST

LIVE chat with Rhett and Link here on the Kommunity!!

At 11:24pm on December 31, 2012, Rachel (Nezulupantro) said…
Creative Commons, punk :P
At 6:50pm on December 6, 2012, Rachel (Nezulupantro) said…

Help us to finish this project by Christmas as a gift to Rhett & Link!

Hello Mythical beast!

I would like to invite you to participate in a very important KBE here on the kommunity! We are Currently producing "Gutless Wonders the Movie"! With this project there are opportunities for all beasts to let their talents shine whether it be acting, filming, or making light of your talentless self! If you think that you might be interested please follow the link and sign up for a scene.


Scenes needing to be filmed:




At 3:58pm on October 31, 2012, Emperor Erfder (Ryū) said…
Oh I don't mind. After posting the discussion, I realized how bad it was. But I left it up just to see what people would say.
At 7:24pm on September 16, 2012, Emperor Erfder (Ryū) said…
And I welcome you to the welcome kommittee as well.
At 7:56am on September 16, 2012, Lucas (I'm Brony and I'm Proud) said…

GMM fellow Mythical Beast & welcome to one of the best places to be on the Internet.  I hope you enjoy your stay & feel free to feast on the many fruits that the Kommunity has to offer.

I also hereby acknowledge your Mythical Mustache  & recite the Kommunity Mythical Anthem "My Hair Song(#Does your hair go up? Does your hair go down?#) in celebration of your arrival.

Don't forget about "Nilla Wafer Top Hat Time" & remember to "Rub Some Bacon On It".

Have fun and take care!!! :)


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