
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Rose E Sheckler (Cinderelephant)
  • Female
  • Ridgecrest, CA
  • United States
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Rose E Sheckler (Cinderelephant)'s Friends

  • Marcus Bean (El Gusano)
  • Robert Sheckler (Polyanthrope)
  • Just Justine (Winged Centaur)
  • Jen Kukucka (Nuggetraus)
  • Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)
  • Nolan (Jedi~Squirrel)
  • Marcus Bean (Wilt)
  • Karrie (The Original Bookworm)
  • Rachel (Nezulupantro)
  • Aeralyn (Stormofjade)

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Rose E Sheckler (Cinderelephant)'s Blog

If you could have either Rhett or Link as your dad, who would you choose?

Posted on September 20, 2013 at 5:00pm 5 Comments

My husband came up with a good question for Mythical Beasts. If you could have either Rhett or Link as your dad, who would you choose?

I told him I would choose Rhett because it would be really weird and wrong to have a huge crush on my dad, and slightly less weird to have a huge crush on my dad's best friend. Then I told him that it was probably a better question for Mythical Beasts of the male persuasion because in the same way that girls watch the Crayon Colors video for the… Continue

Three texts I recently sent to my sister.

Posted on June 10, 2013 at 11:46am 2 Comments

I became aware of "Clown Shark" several weeks ago when my husband shared it with me. A couple of weeks ago my husband started showing me more Rhett and Link videos and then last week I started looking them up myself. I love Rhett and Link but they have A LOT of videos, and frankly, I need to get some housework done. These three texts I recently sent to my sister illustrate the problem.

6/7/2013 Fri 4:56pm "And another day goes by without me cleaning the kitchen. Darn you Rhett and… Continue

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At 1:15pm on June 6, 2014,
Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

Thanks Rose! Yeah, I'm glad they're still playing along with the "Tokyo" thing. I would have felt silly writing it if they had decided to let the running joke fade, haha.

At 1:05pm on February 19, 2014,
Gumbo V2.0


Saturday, July 19, 2014.  Make your plans now to attend. 

Details in the link below . . .  

At 12:15pm on January 3, 2014,

Just realized today that I owe you these BONUS POINTS from way back in Sep-2013.  Sorry for the delay.

At 12:01pm on December 18, 2013,
Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

Guess whose wheel intro was on today's GMM! ;-) Congrats! :-D

At 2:59am on December 10, 2013, Sarah Elizabeth said…
I know isn't that crazy! I'm like a real person and stuff. Lol I almost had a heart attack when link said my name on the episode where the winners of the best pencil contest were chosen. Except he kinda says my name weird, but I'll let it slide.
At 1:44pm on September 12, 2013,
Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

Woo hoo! I didn't think they would actually use my video, lol. It was a wonderful surprise! And thanks for liking my dolls!

At 9:43pm on August 29, 2013,
Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

Thanks! :-D 

At 12:18am on August 20, 2013, Rachel (Nezulupantro) said…
Here is our video from MythiCon! http://youtu.be/gq-wiuwERBw
At 5:17pm on August 19, 2013,

At 1:03pm on July 26, 2013,

I sent a message to the three largest kommunity groups to help spread the word, so don't get surprised to receive several notices if you belong to these:





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