
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

endi (hasnt been here in years)
  • Male
  • United States
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Endi (hasnt been here in years)'s Friends

  • The lime-scented mantalope
  • Sara
  • Rose Tyler(Bad Wolf)
  • Alex O'Neil(platymoose)
  • scylla(naughtyvampire steampunk)
  • Stardust
  • Parker D (baby griffin)
  • Doctor
  • Rachel (baobhansithowl)
  • glADos
  • Moe (Darth Nerd) Sarwat
  • Alicia Manno
  • Tanner (Fat Macho)
  • Marie (Giraphant)
  • Willow Elvina Sapphyre

idk man

Comment Wall (19 comments)

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At 3:38pm on November 3, 2013, Rose Tyler(Bad Wolf) said…


At 4:36pm on September 5, 2013, Rose Tyler(Bad Wolf) said…


At 10:31pm on July 31, 2013, Rose Tyler(Bad Wolf) said…


At 11:57pm on July 15, 2013, Rose Tyler(Bad Wolf) said…


At 12:20am on July 9, 2013, Marcus Bean (Wilt) said…

At 2:26pm on June 28, 2013, Bre (Ninja) said…

I havent been on! Just like you...sorry :/ but we need to catch up again


At 11:50pm on June 14, 2013, Rose Tyler(Bad Wolf) said…

WHY 4R3NT YOU ON???? >:?

At 5:56am on May 31, 2013, Stardust said…
Endiiiiii you haven't been on in FOREVER!!!!!
At 5:41pm on May 26, 2013, Bre (Ninja) said…

Hi Endi... I havent talked to you for a while

At 7:55pm on May 3, 2013, Rose Tyler(Bad Wolf) said…


Endi (hasnt been here in years)'s Blog

Rough Draft: Chapter 6

Posted on February 18, 2013 at 1:32pm 0 Comments

Since it will take me a while to piece together what was happening, I’ll tell the short story of the Paper Shredder of Arthuria. Arthuria was a distant planet several galaxies away, and it was known for its absolute weirdness. What were the beings that resided there? Why, they were a bunch of arcade cabinets. Who did those arcade cabinets eat? They ate salad. Why salad? Because it was Arthuria. Anyways, one day in that insane planet, there lived a little penguin. He was known as the greatest…


Rough Draft: Chapter 5 (Swear word warning)

Posted on February 18, 2013 at 1:30pm 0 Comments

“What the hell…” Ray gasped. Luckily, there was no explosion, but only a gigantic crater in the backyard. The fighter jet had to land several backyards away, due to it being a fighter jet. Ray went through the back and saw James and Remey staring in astonishment at the ship. “What happened?!” James shrieked. Ray grinned as he trotted up to him. “Why, my dear James, would an unearthly aircraft crash into our yard? Emphasis on unearthly?” James frowned. “Stop relating your conspiracies to all…


Rough Draft: Chapter 4

Posted on February 3, 2013 at 7:16pm 0 Comments

“So, Mrs. Neilson,” James asked. “Oh, just call me Grandma Neilson.” The old lady insisted. “Yes, Grandma Neilson, do you have any food?” Grandma Neilson gestured to a small pantry. James opened up the door, and his eyes nearly burst out as he saw every snack he could ever want. Ray, on the other hand, was exploring the house. He opened the door to the staircase, and he wheezed at the smell of dust and cobwebs. There were four bedrooms, all perfectly clean. However, the bathroom had mold all…


Rough Draft: Chapter 3

Posted on February 3, 2013 at 11:55am 0 Comments

It was a quiet four-day trip from Sussex to Nevada. Only a few conversations were made, and there were no whiney babies. After they arrived in Nevada, they had to take hour-long trip to Remey’s grandma’s house. Remey knocked on the door of the house, and the door opened up to an old lady. She was no different than any other elderly lady; gray hair, wrinkled face, and some kind of gown. “Oh, hello, love!” She exclaimed, giving Remey a hug. “Who are these two?” She gestured to Ray and James.…


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