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  • Stephenville, TX
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  • Kevin (UniSeal)

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At 1:03pm on June 26, 2015,
At 5:45pm on June 25, 2015,
Gumbo V3.0

Welcome to the Kommunity!

Here's a link to my little tour guide that may help you along the path to mythical beastliness ~ Rhett & Link 101 


Please also note that all new kommunity members are expected to read, agree and adhere to the spirit of the



At 12:42am on June 25, 2015,
Kevin (UniSeal)

Hi, Morgan. Welcome to the Kommunity!

In an attempt to keep the forums tidy and organized, we try to have all the conversation about a given topic in one single place instead of spread out across several discussions. For that reason, I've removed your "Will it Cupcake?" discussion, since there is already a long-standing thread where hundreds of mythical beasts like you have come to post their "Will It" ideas: http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/forum/topics/will-it?xg_source=activity Go ahead and reply to that one with your suggestions!

I've copied the content of your old discussion here just in case you want to reference it:

I believe that Rhett and Link should do will it cupcake for multiple reasons, first of all the cupcakes can basically have anything inside, from liquids to solids, second, they could change the icing, and the sprinkles and even the cake part of itself in the cupcake for a different taste and they can even make a Frankenstein cupcake, where they combine a different icing and cake flavor, those are the reasons why they should do will it cupcake in my opinion!!!


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