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Happy birthday Damian!

I know the audio and video quality kind of sucks, so here's the "lyrics" to my video in case you want to know:

Some people think it's my birthday! I beg to differ!

Wocka locka wocka locka wocka locka locka!

The albino platypi are trying to infest my soul, and that's why I'm talking like this. Mwahahahaa!

That's my pinky finger! See? It's my pinky finger! Huhuhuhuh! Oh yeyah! Uhh...*sigh*

I roped...a calf.

I'm unlocking the bobcat's claw like this...with my key.

What is wrong with me? *gasp* What is wrong with me? *gasp* What is wrong with me?!?!?!

Please, whatever you do, never stick your caterpillar in the freezer. Thank you.

That is a clock. This is a pen. And this is a pen on a clock!

I'm doing the Toyota Tundra jig! Jig jig jig jig jig jig jiiiig jiiig jig!

Hubba hubba hoo hwah hwah. Hubba hubba heh. Hubba hubba heh hubba hubba habba hab. Hubba habba heh.

That's a hot water heater! It heats hot water and makes your shower water hot!

Please don't hurt me, Mr. Herman...no Mr. Herman...Herman...Herman, please forgive me; don't hurt me, Mr. Herman!

Do not mess with the Muffin Man, or else, I will cut you.

It's not my birthday...it's makemebad35's birthday! Congratulations!

Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Damian. Happy birthday to youUUUUUUU!

Happy Birthday Damian!
You're undoubtedly the best YouTuber in the universe.

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 39


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Comment by FunkyButtt on March 7, 2010 at 7:28pm
Comment by Nick Buttler (The Squeenopocker) on February 3, 2010 at 5:08am
Indeed I was!
Comment by ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞ on February 3, 2010 at 4:12am
You were bored!

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