They've been mythicalphotoThey've been mythical18 Likes
October 2016
He's so disgruntledphotoHe's so disgruntled3 LikesRhink (completed digital painting)photoRhink (completed digital painting)112 LikesClosed Captioning - what happened?Hello fellow Mythical Beasts,
I hope it's alright to make this topic.
I'm deaf and I'm from Europe. I've been enjoying GMM for over a year since I discovered that they're captioning their videos. Bu…DiscussionClosed Captioning - what happened?5 LikesCasper (Space Ghost)MemberCasper (Space Ghost)11 LikesBUDDYSYSBUDDYSYSphotoBUDDYSYSBUDDYSYS4 LikesRhettwoodphotoRhettwood15 Likes