MythiCon 2013What if there was a Mythical Meetup in each state on the same day, just to meet other Beasts from your state? Obviously Rhett and Link could not go to them all, but if we decided on a place and time…DiscussionMythiCon 201368 LikesXbox One vs PS4!Dear Beasts,
This has been a big,I say BIG discussion around TheGamers so any1 who has their oppinion,please leave it on this discussion.Let's get this over with on the Rhett & Link's community!…DiscussionXbox One vs PS4!2 LikesAre you a CAT or a DOG personDear Mythical Beasts,
Now,I know some of you have a pet,BUT if you didn't would you rather have a CAT or a DOG?
…DiscussionAre you a CAT or a DOG person7 LikesJoseph BerriosMemberJoseph Berrios1 Like