MusicI discovered jrock and jpop through anime. Even though I don't understand the lyrics, I love litening to Japanese bands. What bands have you discovered?DiscussionMusic2 LikesLink hugging me with a huge smile on his fa…photoLink hugging me with a huge smile on his fa…6 LikesLinkMemberLink1550 LikesRhett (Shahbaz)MemberRhett (Shahbaz)706 LikesMy doodle of LinkphotoMy doodle of Link57 LikesR.I.P.photoR.I.P.3 LikesHuman Collage of BeastsphotoHuman Collage of Beasts358 LikesMythical HandshakephotoMythical Handshake227 LikesGMMphotoGMM41 Likes