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VBS Program - - Soldiers for Christ


After years of over-priced VBS programs and sick of all the glitter, glue and popsicle sticks craft projects, I worked with some men from our church to develop an old idea into a full program. 


The program booklet and puppet skit are attached as .pdf files.  Please feel free to print a copy for your Pastor or Youth Director to review and leave your suggestions and comments below if you can think of any way to improve it. 


If you decide to use this program, please let me know and I'll see about getting a copy of the audio disks to your church.




S4C Puppet Script - - COMPLETE.pdf 

The puppet script is actually broken down into five (5) short daily shows. Presented above is the show in complete form.  The entire presentation for the Sunday night Commendation Ceremony lasts about 21 minutes. Nightly segments are only 5-6 minutes each. The full show with sound effects is 19MB in size, too large to upload here. Below are .mp3 audio files and scripts for the nightly puppet program segments.


Soldiers for Christ ~ Complete Program.pdf

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Comment by Gumbo123 on August 21, 2012 at 3:14pm

Puppet script and audio files added to the VBS~S4C page today.  Enjoy!

Comment by Pastor Mike Tarsi on July 10, 2012 at 4:26pm

As long as you have authorization to use some of your photos and patches, it looks like a very good program. I will tell you that this would be hard to present to many churches where I pastor here on the west coast, as there are soooooo many churches that are following the emergent philosophy and would think this all way to violent! ( I do not agree with that philosophy as a veteran myself) It seems you put a lot of work into this project and I thank-you for asking for my input.

Comment by ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞ on June 13, 2012 at 7:48pm

We already have our VBS for this summer. I will pass this on. 

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