
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

"They're internet comedians." "Is that a job?" "...Have a seat and I will explain, you have some time right?"

Ahh, my faithful mythical beasts. You don't see my name around the Kommunity much anymore, and some people regard me as someone who was a bit of a "one-night stand" RhettandLink fan. This, however, is not true. I'm not around much anymore because, due to difficult-to-explain family problems, I'm not able to get online much anymore because I'm not at home. I still love Rhett and Link just as much, and you often find me referencing one of their songs or videos, like when I was at the emergency room a few days ago, I pulled a glove out of the box and went "'ello frien. This is Rrrrrudy. *snap*" Or when I go into a buffet (burfey) and do my ritualistic singing of the Buffet Song. Haha. The list goes on and on.

Coming down with the flu has actually been a bit of a gift this week. I'm never allowed on the Kommunity where I live away from home (explaining to them who Rhett and Link are is like trying to explain calculus to a brick wall, which is why the title is what it is...), and this week, whenever I've felt able, I've been here. It's been fantastic. I will actually get to watch the WHOLE kast Thursday night, like I used to. Ahhhhhh, it feels so great. If you're following me on twitter, you'll notice a tweet (that I don't even remember posting, must've been either the Tamiflu or my fever) that said I cry a little bit when I watch R&L on Thursday...It's because it's a little bit of relief from all of the turbulent things going on around me, and it's a little overwhelming.

I just wanted to let all of you know why you don't see me around as often, and let you know I'm not a deserter, and I will always be a mythical beast!


Em (The Dark Horse.)

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Comment by ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞ on October 7, 2009 at 1:37am
WOW! I was blessed by you being sick. Let me explain. I've been a fan of R&L for a few years but only on youtube. I finely watched a live kast and here I am today. Last week you and I were able to talk and get to know a little bit about one another. We are friends on Facebook and I really enjoyed chatting with you. You are a great person and I look forward to seeing you when I pop into chat. Yo have made me feel so welcome. So, when I see you on it's a great treat for me. YOU ROCK!!! I don't say that lightly. I am praying for you because of the things you've shared. Rock on Dark Horse...
Comment by Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT on September 30, 2009 at 8:41pm
Girl, you don't have to apologize or anything. Hang in there!! You are a part of the family!! :D
Comment by Lynn (Mama Bear) on September 30, 2009 at 6:45pm
We're glad to have you with us when you can be here, Emily! Keeping your circumstances in prayer.
Comment by Aly And Cate (Two headed AlyCat) on September 30, 2009 at 4:32pm
So glad you can hang around more often now :):)
And I especially like one of the last lines, "Huzzah!''
That's my line ;)
Comment by Edlives (Dragon) on September 30, 2009 at 3:53pm
Rock on Emily...hope you're feeling better...and looking forward to seeing you in the chatrooms.

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