
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

So a mythical beast on tumblr had this awesome idea called 'The Rhett and Link project'. I wanted to share it on the kommunity since they asked for it in their post and yeah... why not? So anyway, I'll just copy and paste their post here so y'all know about their idea.


okay so i think we can all agree that rhett and link have made a significant impact in our lives. they’ve helped us cope with issues, made us happy, made us laugh. they provide us with entertainment that has become part of our daily routine. and of course, we have had an impact on theirs as well- we spread the word across the globe and helped them become very successful. but i think one thing that’s missing is a profound personal connection between us and them. so that’s why i’m going to be starting the rhett and link project, which will be released the day they reach 7 million subs on their gmm channel, and will be a video of each one of us holding up a sign with a word (as well as your name, where you’re from, anything you want) from the song once in a lifetime by one direction.
i know that not everyone likes one direction, probably the majority of us, but im pretty sure the lyrics ring true when it comes to what we think of the boys. if you have a better song for the video, please feel free to suggest one! my ask box is always open. i might end up changing it, but my worry isn’t about the song but about getting enough people for this. if i get at least 300 mythical beasts to participate in this, i’ll go through with it! so pls spread the word! 
i don’t have an account on the rhett and link kommunity so if you do, please post about it and tell everyone! it’d be nice to have a few volunteers help me with getting people’s names and photos and stuff, so if you’re open to volunteering that’d be super awesome, just message me about it. i will be doing the editing and all that stuff though so no worries about that. 
thank you guys !!!! i really hope this plan goes thru and the video gets made, and it’d be even better if rhett and link watch it on an episode of gmm or gmmore !!!! 
if you want to participate pls email me at therhettandlinkproject@gmail.com!!!


Here's the link to the original post: http://unforhettable.tumblr.com/post/113023597732/this-has-quite-a-...

So yeah, go ahead and message them that you'd like to participate in this project! I think it's a great idea and it would be a lot of fun. I hope there will be enough mythical beasts who will participate.

(Also I'm sorry for my bad english.)


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Comment by Grace (Ashtury) on March 29, 2015 at 12:13am

Sounds like a great idea!!! I'd love to pass it along!

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