
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I've been watching Rhett and Link and GMM for over 2 or 3 years now. Oh gosh I couldn't even remember when exactly. Back then, I wasn't the type to subscribe to channels in YouTube, I just watch vids randomly. But when I came across Good Mythical Morning,  I became an instant Mythical Beast. Since then, it has become my after school habit.

The segments are a great way to relieve stress, plus, they make you feel smarter after every watch. I carry GMM everywhere I go. Like literally. When I'm on vacation, or during internships, I never forget to watch after a long day. The channel is just packed with positivity. You can get good discussions from the comment threads, and you meet people who have ideas as bizarre as yours.

Yep, I'm a fan girl. There was an episode of me having a weird crush on Link, but what the heck.  "T-shirt War," "The Photoshop Song" and "2 guys, 600 pillows..." were the videos that hooked me the most. I suggested them to my boyfriend; since making videos and films are our thing, the channel has been one of our inspirations since then.

-Jamila Loren, PHILIPPINES

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