
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Readers, to understand this story, read the first story time here:  http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/profiles/blogs/story-time-thank-you...

Dear Readers,

     This past summer, I was a camp counselor. All of the other female counselors wanted to have a pool party and I didn't know any of the other girls but yet still invited. I asked my mom what she thought and she told me it would be rude if I didn't attend so I had to go. The day of the party, I went thinking I was going to have the best time ever but it was the complete opposite. Girls were PMSing, the drama, everyone judging everyone; IT WAS AWFUL! I asked my mom to pick me up early and we went back to my house (you need to read the first story time to understand the rest) My friend (her name it Ashley BTW) gave me a call saying how she was bored at home and I told her to come to my house to hang out. When she came over, We came up with the most perfect idea. We decided to make a pillow fort, make pop-corn, make milkshakes and bindge-watch GMM. It was so fun and I highly suggest it too! Thank you Rhett and Link for making me feel better when I was in the worst mood ever.

If you liked this Story Time, read the last one! Here --> http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/profiles/blogs/story-time-thank-you... . HAVE A MYTHICAL DAY! :-D

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Comment by Taylor The Artist/Editor on December 3, 2015 at 9:35am

( ._.) Hope everyone enjoyed my story!!! (._. )

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