
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Okay, sorry it took so long for this to happen. Been a looooott going on. I'm surprised I got this out this fast. But anyway,here ya go.


Chapter 5

~present day~


    I was going 100 on a 25 mile an hour street. There wasn’t any time to follow road regulations. Why was Axel’s name on the list? I’d killed him. I watched him take his last breath. Close his eyes for the last time. I was there. It had been my fault, too.  The knife that lodged itself into the flesh of a friend, had been mine. The blood covering the floor of the broken building, had been shed by me. The pain I caused Evan...

    I’ve been in this job for over two years. Never once had there been a name that showed up on the list that has already been deceased. There had to be a mistake. There wasn’t anyway to kill a man who’s already been killed. Not in my knowledge at least.

I’d talk with Boss, hopefully quickly. Being in there longer than I had to always made me feel uncomfortable. I rarely enjoyed being in the Warehouse. The echoes that made their way down the vast corridors made me shudder. Hearing the patter of the spiders crawling up the wall made the hair on my neck stand straight up. Watching as Boss slowly turned to face me, the light catching his scars making them seem like they’re moving, made me uneasy.

And then there were Boss’s  henchman. Each one identical to the last. Every tooth in their mouths ended with a sharp point that if necessary, will rip your flesh apart. Grips of steel rested inside of their huge hands until needed. Not one of the henchmen moved unless given an order, or instincts took over. Though, walking among the normal group of brainwashed minions were a few selected members of Boss’s staff. They look just like the usual henchmen, but with a brand on their shoulder of a lightning bolt that’s hidden underneath the tee shirt each one wears. Those, are the ones that need to be looked out for. The ones you need to check over your shoulder for, just in case they’re following you. Every one of the selected few were given one dose of Mercuranium. Less than me of course, but still enough to give them more power over the average human.

I knew I could take them. All of them, probably at once. With one hand tied behind my back and eyes closed. But it still sent shivers through me when they came across my mind.

A loud beep came from behind my car. I was idling at what used to be a red light, but what was now a green one. I looked in my mirrors. The woman behind me was obviously in a hurry. She was frantically applying make-up and putting earrings on. The hair on her hair on her head was pulled back into a tight bun, not a strand out of place. She probably worked as a lawyer, she gave off the impression that if you wanted to argue with her, you’d easily loose. Her car, a Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren, had a slight ding on the passenger’s side. Unseen with human eyes, but it was the first thing I noticed. Otherwise the car was in perfect condition. The woman though, not so much. Her eye colour was a bit off. They were blue with a hint of purple, definitely contacts. That told me she didn’t like the way she looked about herself. That she thought she needed to be enhanced. So she did was all the corporations of America tell her to do and change herself so they can get money. Her eyes though, were bloodshot from crying and her nose was red. She was trying to fix her mascara so no one would ask her if she was alright or not. There was a slight indentation from where a ring was once placed on her ring finger. She was single as of last night most likely. She probably found out her husband cheated on her with some young waitress at the local diner. Or maybe it was some bartender at a bar he visited secretly when he was “staying late at work to finish up some filing”. The woman, had clearly had a rough night.

She beeped again and I quickly snapped out of it. I glanced at the time, 7:53. Not a minuted had passed since I looked at the woman. Never had I collected that much information in that little amount of time. This was new to me. Though I shook it off and sped down the street.

The Warehouse wasn’t too far up ahead.  A few blocks maybe. I swerved in and out of cars in dire need to get to my destination. The next right was the one I needed to take. There was still a lane that I needed to get over  on. Lack of attention was what killed me when it came to driving. My mind would always wander and it would make me miss roads. I jerked the steering wheel to the right and cut in front of  a silver Cadillac who’s beeping skills were quite high. Managing to get into the right lane, I built up more speed and made the turn

The street was different from all the others in New York. It didn’t, have a regular, standard alley way complete with the silver trash cans dented with the force of a fist from a local teen who has a rough home life.This alley didn’t have cardboard  homes resting against the sides of buildings. No, there was something about this street,this alley. Something whimsical, magical even. Yet nothing good comes from it.  

It was the way the sun kissed the glass on the windows that lined the buildings and reflected throughout the street. How it bounced from one side of the alley, to the other. How the chain links on the fences would chime to the rythem of the wind. It was the way you would look up, and see the faded clouds disintegrate into nothingness like lost hopes and abandoned dreams. It was the way the wind would catch your hair as your driving down the street. It was the way the aroma wasn’t filled with the grease from street venders or the trash from the dumpster. It was the smell of confidence and smiles. Just breathing it in gave you a whole new perspective on the world.

    But as soon as you step into the Warehouse it’s a whole new atmosphere. Things turn dark and creepy. The feeling of people watching you never leaves. And that was the feeling I had just gotten.. I had just walked into the front door, my fingertips lightly grazing the engraved words “we are not human,” just as they always did. All the light was eaten by the darkness that invaded the entire building. To the left and right of the door were two henchmen. Both were wearing a black  tee shirt and suit pants. There eyes were covered with black tinted sunglasses. It was a little bit of  an unnecessary accessory considering the darkness stretched to every inch on the place. But I wasn’t their wardrobe designer and I doubted they wanted my personal opinion.

    I walked down the corridor. There were doors upon doors of mysteries lining the walls. Most of them were never opened. They were covered in layers of cobwebs and secrets. Walking down that particular corridor always made me second guess coming to the warehouse in the first place. But when I saw the big double doors at the end, I was reminded why I was there. Boss.

    He was sitting in his chair with is back facing the entrance. He seemed to be consumed with thinking about something. But because I care so little about his thinking, I interrupted. Quite rudely too.

    “You’re a fraud,” was the best I came up with.
    He slowly turned and started at me. One eye peering straight into my body, the other was covered with an eye patch. “Are you questioning me, Eli?”

    I walked up to his desk and slammed my hands down on the wood. Only his name plate was disturbed. “You can’t kill someone who’s already been dead. You know that just as well as I do.” My voice was raised. I was angry and confused and I wanted answers.  Looking up at him I got a little quiet. “I already did away with Axel. He’s gone. I can’t kill him again.”

    Boss looked at me with such poise. You would never guess he’s a psychopathic freak. His answer was graceful, no harsness to it at all. “Eli, have you ever recollected that day?”

    “Not a day goes by that I don’t. What are you trying to say?” I snapped at him.

    He sighed.  “Do you remember the day? The exact day, month, and year?”
    I pondered that for a moment. Day... “It was a Tuesday. The fourth.”

    “What month?”

    “It was hot, I remember. Was it July? No. No it was June.”

    “The year?”

    “2007. I remember that.”

He chuckled. It was like he was laughing in the face of a fallen friend. Made me sick.

“Now, if you’re capable, could you tell me the complete date?”

Did this have a relevance? “June, 4th, 2007.”

Boss sharply inhaled. “Numerals, Eli.”

“Well maybe if you would have specified-”

“Eli!” His grace was broken. “Answer the question. I’m trying to help you.”

“6-4-7. Are you happy?”    

He smiled slighty ,staring at me. “Does that remind you of  anything? A time maybe?”

Then it hit me. 6:47. How could I not see it before? “Is that why...”

He chuckled.  Boss got out of his chair and walked around the desk. Lightly placing his hands on my shoulders, he whispered. “He’s trying to tell you something, Eli.”

“Yeah, and what’s that?”

He chuckled again. “He’s trying to tell you that  he’s still alive.”


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Comment by Aimée (Queen of the Amazon) on September 21, 2011 at 7:19pm

Zee, you are an AMAZING writer. I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner

I love how you're developing this plot. It's superb.

Comment by Kevin (UniSeal) on August 31, 2011 at 8:00pm
Woo! Another amazing read; well worth the wait!

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