
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

          HELLO BEASTS! Yeah, I know it hasn't been two weeks (if the bi-weekliness is a thing) but I had to blog about this. As few of you know, I went on a trip to San Diego this past 3-day weekend. I have never been there, and my parents decided to go to the World-Famous San Diego Zoo. We get up on Saturday, drive 5 hours (me snoring in the backseat most of the way) and we arrived in... rainy San Diego. Kind of a letdown, but it'll clear up! There were some tensions cause our GPS decided to take us to a road that no longer exists, so we had to drive in a very confusing grid of one-way streets just to get to our hotel. It was an amazing hotel, though.

           Food was an issue, sorta. Restaurants, ESPECIALLY in the Gaslamp Quarter, get very busy around dinner. We had to wait at least an hour both times, but the food was delicious. Breakfast ended up being Starbucks, mostly, except for this morning. We ate at The Broken Yolk Cafe, as seen on Man vs Food, if any of you watch. Omelettes there = OMG AMAZINGNESS. So do the biscuits, but I don't wanna type that twice. Anyway, we saw the plaque that Adam Richmond, the host, got after defeating the challenge of the dozen-egg omelette. Didn't take a picture, though.

             The Zoo was pretty cool. It was really big, and nice, but it's pretty much like any other zoo in my personal opinion. But don't let me ruin it for ya. Seriously, you should go and check it out. Everyone needs to see it, at least once.

             A little bit of rantage to close this up. In the Gaslamp Quarter, there are tons of bars and things. We ate there and started to walk back to the hotel at 7:30 on a Sunday evening. IT WAS LIKE JERSEY SHORE. Seriously, people. I don't mean anything bad, but can't you wait? There were little kids out there! Also, apparently the city of San Diego does not like my body at all. We walked all over the zoo, and now my hip hurts so bad I can barely walk. Also, I got a cold while I was there. No, the city does not need to go on any lists. Those things were probably my fault. Probably.

              I put some pictures up on my page for all to see, and some more will be coming soon. If you wanna know any more, or just wanna leave any feedback, you know what to do.

                                                                       Stay Mythical!


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Comment by Aimée (Queen of the Amazon) on February 23, 2011 at 12:30am


I love San Diego.

I lived by that Cafe, too :D

And I know you're a Californian, because you called it The World Famous San Diego Zoo, instead of just the San Diego Zoo (HERESY.)

Seriously, though, I love that zoo.

Try the wild animal park next, and say hi to 'dem giraffes for me :D

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