
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!


So, I got on the Komm today only to find that all of my blogs were like...gone. That means all the chapters to my story and what not. It's not that big of a deal, I'll just repost them. But I just wanted to let you people know. Here you go.


Steele- Prologue

~Two yeas ago~ 


I woke up that morning thinking it would be just like any other day. That I would wake up, get a shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast, and head off to work. The same way I have every day for the past 10 years. But something happened that day. Something that changed my life and the way I thought about it forever.


I urged myself to throw my legs off the side of the bed allowing my feet to touch the cold wooden floors. Stifling a yawn, I stretched. I thought about glancing at the clock on my bedside table. But even if I did, I would already know the time it would be; 6:47, as it usually is. Even so, I craned my neck around to look at the little alarm clock placed on the table. Sure enough, the bright red numbers read 6:47. No surprise there.

I made my way across the bedroom to the bathroom. I flicked on the lights with a flip of my finger. With my eyes not yet adjusted to the brightness, I settled for squinting.God, I needed a shave.I wiped the sleep from my now light- adjusted eyes and stared closer into the mirror.  The black stubble on my chin was getting way out of control.  I leaned against the sink staring into the mirror. I chuckled at the mess my black hair was from sleeping. I’d have to fix that later.

“Eli Steele, you handsome devil you. You need a shave.” I pulled out the shaving cream from behind the mirror of the medicine cabinet. When I closed it, I noticed a black figure being reflected from behind me. He was standing outside of my window from all the way across the room. Wearing dark tinted sunglasses and a black suit, he stared at me. His square jaw clenched when I stared back into the man’s reflection.The man looked really serious about what he was doing. He didn’t move at all until he lifted his hand up to his ear piece and spoke into it. I turned around to look out the window, but he was already gone. Where we he could have gone, I don’t know. I was thinking about going after to find the guy, but I needed to clean myself up before I headed off to work.

After hygiene came getting dressed. The usual khakis with button up shirt and a nice jacket seemed to do the trick. I wandered into the kitchen looking for something quick to eat on the road. Looking through all the cabinets, fridge compartments, shelves, and every nook and cranny I found absolutely nothing. A few pieces of cheese and a moldy muffin from who knows how long ago were all that was there. I let out a deep breath and grabbed my car keys. I guess another breakfast of an on-the-go donut will have to do.

I opened the front door to my small little house allowing my face to be brushed with the cold wind of an October morning. Making my way over to my car, I noticed the same man in the black suit standing across the street. Is this guy my stalker now? Who does he think he is? All of the sudden just come into my life and watch my every move from a distance. I don’t think so. I made my way down the driveway hoping to talk some sense into this guy.  I stopped. What if this guy was a killer?. . . What am I even saying? I’m Eli Steele. Even if he was a killer, I could take him.

I was only about five steps off of my driveway when the man ran off. “Hey! Where do you think you’re going? My fists and I just wanna talk!” But it was too late, he was already half way down the street. This mystery man had a real talent for getting away, and doing it quickly. I checked my watch. I cursed under my breath. “I’m gonna be late.” One last look into the distance to see if I could still see the man. Sure enough, he was completely gone. I went back to the car.

The drive to work was really strange for lack of better words. There were virtually no cars on the usual busy streets of New York. No taxis, no bikes, no trucks, nothing. Just me. It was a very eerie feeling driving down the deserted roads. At least with no other cars to distract me I had time to collect my thoughts. I wonder who this man is. What does he want from me? If it’s anything even mildly important, me and my fists will do everything in our power to make sure he doesn’t obtain it.

Before long I was in the parking lot to my workplace. I work for the New York Times, see. And it’s a really big job. One that requires a lot of work, dedication, and interesting stories. The only problem I have with it is that I’ve never gotten a promotion in all the 6 years I’ve been working there. No matter how good I may think my story may be, it never gets enough recognition from my boss. I’m always stuck at the same desk doing the same work. But I’ve been doing this for enough time that I’m generally used to it.

I walked through the big double doors that lead to the lobby of the building. As soon as you walk in the first thing you noticed is the vast assortment of plants located in every corner of the room. It’s always reminded me of a rain forest.  Then after you get past the overwhelming plants, the secretary’s desk is what you’ll see next. The large mahogany desk is where Cindy works. She’s the one who takes all of the phone calls. She gave me a nice warm smile.

    “Good morning Mr. Steele.” I gave her a small nod in return. Hey, no one said I was Mr. Sociable.  I headed to my desk where all of my papers and ideas were completely organized. I sighed at all of the work I needed to get done. I sat down in my uncomfortable chair and started figuring out what I needed to start off with. As I was just about to pick up the stack of papers that needed to be done, a strong pair of hands grabbed my shoulders.

    “ Eli Steele?” It took me a couple of seconds to take in what I was seeing. He was wearing a black suit. His tie was a shiny black colour that matched his sun glasses which were tinted so you couldn’t see his eyes. But the part that left me dumbfounded was that he was the exact same man who was observing me through my window and across the street.

“Uh- um, yes. Yes I’m Eli. Who’s asking?” I stiffened up. I made sure my fists were clenched in case I needed to start swinging.

“You need to come with me.”  He pulled me out my chair by my arm and dragged me behind him.

“Hey! Where the hell do you think you’re taking me? Hey!” I punched him in the back with my free hand. This guy had a grip of steal and I couldn’t break away. None of my co-workers bothered to even glance in my direction even as a 6 foot tall man is dragging me away. As I was being forcefully transferred to the front of the building, my boss stood near the front door.

I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. “Why are you just standing there?! Help me!”

He looked sad. “It’s for the best, Eli. They’ll take good care of you. You’ll be safe.”

“Mr. Johnson! Hel-” But my cry for help was drowned out by my kidnapper telling me to shut up until we get to the “warehouse”.

He took me outside. At the time we stepped onto the concrete and white van pulled up to where we were standing. Two other men, dressed identically to my abductor, got out of the van. Simultaneously they opened the doors to the back of the vehicle. The man with my arm pushed me into the dark empty space. I didn’t know what to do. I grabbed for my cell phone. Nothing. Dammit! He must have taken it when I wasn’t looking or something.

The two men who opened the doors, grabbed them again and closed them. Then, it was just closing the door to my kidnappers’ van. Now, that I look back on it, it was closing the door to everything that I thought was real. Everything that I thought would never happen to me. It was closing a door to my old life as a normal human being.

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