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I've been thinking of something that bothers me lately. Labels. Not the ones on jars and clothes. The ones we make on humans. 

I haven't really given it much thought before, because no matter interests and taste in music I've always had many different friends. And we hang out together all the time and have so much fun and doesn't even think of that all of us doesn't like cars or art or whatever it might be. 

Lately I've met some new people and the fact that I don't label myself or people around me makes them uncomfortable.  And I can tell, and this is something I really believe in, that people that label themselves as a "nerd" or a "jock" or a "emo" or whatever, really think they are better then all the other "groups".

This really bothers me, cause this is how racism works. Of course you should dye your hair pink and black if you want to, if you feel that its something that shows the rest of the world who you are, but don't rely on that everyone with your hair color are the only one that is "good enough" to be your best friend. Cause who knows, maybe your best friend hides behind that beach blonde hair and flowery dress? 

I hang out with people that makes me happy, fun people with my sense of humor, we have the same opinions about important things that matters, but other than that we aren't the same at all, and still I know those are the people that always are going to stand by my side. 

And if you also have friends like this and you happen to have the same style and interests too, of course you should stick to them, but don't be scared to look behind the looks. Stop being a label-racist. Don't label yourself, don't give yourself boundaries for no good. You are you, you are a human, just like everyone else.


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Comment by Lucas (I'm Brony and I'm Proud) on April 30, 2012 at 7:36am

Be true to yourself people!!! :)

Comment by Kevin (UniSeal) on April 26, 2012 at 6:04pm

Very insightful! Labels are dumb, and people who realize that are showing their maturity.

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