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Link's Journal: December 8, 2014


  I awoke from my eight hour slumber. After I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and ate my breakfast, I drove to the Good Mythical Morning studio. When I arrived, Rhett was already there, waiting for me. We shook hands and said hello to each other. We chatted for about thirty minutes, before we started recording. During the recording, I had an idea fly across my mind... what if we didn't have to sleep? I brought it up, and Rhett told me it was a good idea. After the show, we went to a Dr., asking if it was possible to never have to sleep. He told us there was an experiment going on at the local grocery store, and that it was free. So of course, we went. I was very scared, because there were some muggings that happened the previous day, and I didn't feel like getting mugged. Rhett seemed to look fine, as if he didn't care. When we arrived to the area where the experiment was happening, we wondered what would happen. Turns out, all he did was give us a pill. Strangely, it tasted like rotten fish. I tried not to puke, and I almost failed in my task. Rhett almost spit the pill out, but didn't make any faces besides a smile. While driving to my house, I got a call from Rhett. He had gotten into an accident! I turned around and went to the accident's location. Rhett was okay, but his car wasn't. It was totaled. Because of his car getting destroyed, I drove him to his home. I talked to Jessie and their kids for about ten minutes, before Christie called. I knew that was a sign that I needed to be home. Turns out, it was only Lando playing with the phone. When I arrived home, however, I found the house to be a complete mess, and that I would have to clean it all up.

  After cleaning the house, I figured I would have been tired, but I wasn't. I was strangely still wide awake. It was about five P.M. now, so we started to cook dinner. Still, not sleepy. I wondered what was going on.

  When night turned, I got into bed and snuggled up into the blanket. After an hour, it was midnight, and I still wasn't tired. I called Rhett, and he had the same problem. We had remembered that earlier in the day, during Good Mythical Morning, we said if this happened, we would not interact. So, we did just that. I made a suit made out of skins (as to stay warm), and went out into the night. I was later arrested because I looked suspicious. I guess I shouldn't have worn the Ski mask, in retrospect. 

Rhett's Journal: December 8, 2014

  When I awoke, I did as I always do. I ate, dressed up, and took a shower. Not in that order, though. Then, I drove up to the GMM studio, and talked to Link about what happened over the weekend. After the chat, we sat down and started recording. During the recording, however, we learned that we both want to never have to sleep. "That would be amazing!" Link told me. "But I do like naps, could we still take naps?" he asked. I told him no, and he had a sigh of disappointment. We talked about how we would have Night counterparts of each other, and that we wouldn't interact with one another. 

  After the show, we both drove to a Dr. He told us that there was an experiment going on down at the Walmart, but that it most likely won't work, since sleep is vital to your health, yada yada yada. I actually zoned out then. We shook his hand and walked out to our cars and drove to Walmart. Link looked somewhat constipated, as if he was holding something in. Most likely fear, but I hadn't heard him use the bathroom all day, so I wasn't sure. On the inside, I was scared because of some muggings that happened the previous day here, but I didn't show it on the outside. When we arrived to the medical part, we asked if there were any experiments happening here. I thought he was going to call security, because of the way Link had asked him. It all turned out fine, though, since the experiment turned out to just be a pill. The pill tasted like chocolate, but I saw Link not liking it, and I started to laugh. I almost spit the thing out because of my laughter. 

  When we got back in our cars, Link started texting me. I started texting him, until I got into a wreck. It was pretty bad, too, because my car had been beaten up. I called Link, and he drove me home. He awkwardly just stood around my house with Jessie asking him politely to leave. He eventually did leave, stating Christie was calling him. I told Jessie all about what we did that day, and she told me that Shepherd had written on the tables with markers. We put him in a time out, and Locke started pelting me with Nerf darts, presumably to get back at me for taking them away over the weekend. We punished him, too. 

  Despite the day being exhausting, and the fact that my car had been totaled, I was not tired. When it came time to go to sleep, nothing did the trick. It's then I realized Link had called me. I picked up the phone, and he had asked if I couldn't sleep either. We talked about what we said we would do if this happened, and he said he had to go get his suit on. I exited the call when I heard his grunts, I guess from trying to get his suit on. I went out and bought a ninja suit, painted it red, and went out. I guess I looked like a Mortal Kombat character, since people kept saying things like "Fatality" when I walked past them. I saw a masked figure wearing a Ski mask, and punched him in the face. I then kicked his stomach, and called the cops. I think I did good for tonight.

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Comment by Kevin Thomas on November 28, 2014 at 6:52pm

This is going to be a five part series, taking place over Monday - Friday (in-universe, not in real life).

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