
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Apparently I lost my senses for a bit and just picked an actual mythical beast, already in existence, instead of making my own.   So here is what I am going to do: I am going to combine the two mythical beasts I talked about in my last (well, my first) post. The beast is a combination of the Asrai water-mermaid fairy and the Abatwa little ant riding people, and it shall be called . . . . the "Asraibatwa". 

The Asraibatwa is a land and sea-dwelling creature that morphs into from water fairy-mermaid to little ant riding creature. This mythical beast is very private - it doesn't like to been seen - hence why it is either a minuscule land dweller, or a water dweller that can not be exposed to sunlight. The Asraibatwa is also super fast and strong when a land dweller, a fast swimmer, and can communicate with animals in both forms. If one is lucky enough to find an Asraibatwa, the following will happen to you: you will gain a new friend, you will learn one of the secrets of the universe, and you get to spend a day with the beast in one of its forms - your choice

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