
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

So if you are wondering what exactly a Unicorndawg is, then you've come to the right blog post.


First of all, the name Unicorndawg was first created by me and my friend Olivia. We are very random people and every time we see each other, we do our "handshake" where all we do is just give each other a high five and keep our hands there in that high five position until we finish saying, "Gelatinous Alfalfin Unicorndawg, Meow Ya'll HEEHAW! ©" True story.

Okay, what an actual Unicorndawg IS: A unicorndawg is a creature that is a unicorn(more mythically awesome  than a regular unicorn, even though that makes no sense at all) that has a corndog for the horn. Now I didnt want to have a bland MB name, so dog is spelled d-A-W-g instead of regular d-o-g. Feel the difference? 


Unicorndawg's personality: Unicorndawgs (or unicorndawg (not plural since i am the ONLY unicorndawg, but i guess one unicorndawg would needs some friends )) can be either be very small, OR very large. Small as a miniature horse (Link's favorite animal) or large as the biggest kind of horse. Unicorndawgs are very nice and can be very helpful.


Finally, here is what a Unicorndawg looks like (drawn be moi):




 I hope you've enjoyed reading my mythical blog post. PEACE OUT GIRL SCOUT!

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Comment by Katie【Unicorndawg】 on July 24, 2021 at 9:06pm

Really? You couldn't come up with something more creative than "Unicorndawgs are very nice and can be very helpful"? To think this was the most creative era of my lifetime. SMH.

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