
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Yesterday, I really wanted some jelly beans, so I walked over to Walmart to get some out of their candy machines. I took a bunch of quarters and figured that it would be a gradual process of getting some candy, then wandering around, then getting more candy, and so on, so I wouldn't look too stupid. To my dismay, Walmart didn't have and jelly beans. I proceeded to walk over to Zehrs, a grocery store, to get my jelly beans. On the way there, I passed a convinience store, and decided to go in to see if they had any jelly beans. They didn't. What they did have was a painting of cats who were all underwater. Why on earth would anyone ever think of painting a bunch of cats on the bottom of the ocean? When I got to Zehrs, I went to the part of the store that has various candies, and assorted nuts. I found jelly beans. I tried my best to see which container had the least amount of green jelly beans in it. I realised yesterday that green jelly beans make me hate a lot of other things. For example, I hate green jelly beans, and that makes me hate the colour green. The word green starts with the letter g, and g upside down is 6. That's why I hate the number six. I don't understand it either... Anyway, when I got home, I seperated the green jelly beans from the other ones, and then decided that, rather than giving them to someone else, I would use them for something. My initial thought was to, of course, get up as high as I could on the swing behind my house, and whoot the jelly beans out of my mouth, and try to get them over my neighbor's fence. This failed miserably as then jelly bean just plummited to the ground right away. After that, I decided to try it with a popcorn kernal instead. That worked much better, and, as far as I could tell, the kernal made it over then fence. I don't know why I thought this was blog-worthy.  Why did you even read this whole thing? Seriously? You should have known how stupid this would be just by reading the title. Also, I'm in the My Little Pony 'herd' now... Not sure how I feel about that...

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Comment by Erin Carlson (Pegicorn) on April 1, 2012 at 9:49pm

Haha I spelled it wrong  :) Endeavour...

Comment by Marsha L (MythiCaNerdian) on April 1, 2012 at 6:45pm

Haha!! Sounds like a funny afternoon. One question...what is an indebber? XD

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