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Moldy Cheese, Mount Everest, and a Whole Lot of Exhaustion

Hi there, random Mythical Beasts who chose to read a random fellow Mythical Beast's random blog post! :)

So today I had my first algebra test of the semester, and for some reason, my teacher decided to add three bonus questions that really had nothing to do with math of any kind. I'm guessing it was to brighten up his day a little, since Ed going to have to grade 30 algebra tests later, and he doesn't seem like he loves math too much. At any rate, the first question was, "What is holier than God, eviler than the devil, rich people need it, poor people have it, and you'll die if you eat it?"

Now I know what you're thinking. Actually, I don't, but I was thinking this: "It's obviously one of those trick questions, maybe involving a conundrum. It can't have anything to do with math, unless it's maybe the null set, but it has to be something, right? I mean...I can't think of anything except nothing, but that's much too simple; it couldn't possibly be that."

My mind being fuzzy after all the math, I answered "Moldy Swiss cheese" (thinking the holes would cover the "holier than God" part, pun-style), but knowing there was about a 99.9% chance I'd gotten it wrong (coincidentally, the same amount of bacteria Germ-X would remove from the moldy cheese—although, isn't mold a fungus?).

I googled it later, and of course, it WAS "nothing" (nothing is holier than God, nothing is more evil than the devil, rich people need nothing, poor people have nothing, and you'd die if you ate nothing). It's almost like an algebra problem, if you make "nothing" x, and just look at the sentence structure instead of trying to come up with something clever, because there is no "punny" answer for that.

I'm going to skip the second question because it was stupid, but the third one asked "What was the highest mountain on earth before Mt. Everest was discovered ?"

This one I thought about for awhile, but I don't think I answered anything. Before I even had a chance to Google it, though, it hit me: Mount Everest! Just because it hadn't been discovered yet didn't mean it wasn't still the highest mointain on earth!

My inflated pride was quickly burst as I realized it was too late, and I'd already turned in my test, and now my somewhat attractive professor will now see me as an idiot, not to mention a failure of the human race.

Oh well. I didn't need that brain anyway.

To be fair, I'm not used to walking around campus a lot (or walking much in general), and I'm pretty beat by the time I get to algebra. I'm anything but an athlete. Seriously. We had to write a paper in comp class on an experience or situation in which we felt like a misfit, and I wrote about my sports life. Except for my blonde moments (as displayed in math today), I've always been able to rely on my mental abilities, rather than my physical. I like to exercise, but I don't think my 5'2" 110-pounds-but-really-a-little-more-than-that body could become a serious athlete, especially since I have a weakness for chocolate. Or food, for that matter.

Well that's it; congratulations if you made it this far; I'm not really expecting anyone to read this, but it was fun to write!

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