
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Well, I have some sad news... As of October, 25th, 2010, my father
passed away. I still haven't quite grasped the concept that he is no
longer here, but I assume one day it will hit me. So don't look at me
weird if I am chipper one minute, then bawling the next.

*I am ADHD
*I am OCD (Mainly with numbers.)
*I have depression

All three of those have been diagnosed, so I am not just assuming. When I
could afford therapy, there was talk about a little bit of paranoia
because I am scared of what I can't see in the dark, noises I hear and
shadows I see moving that I can't identify scare me to the point of
running inside the house/to a room, locking my door(s), and hiding.

On a scale from 1-10 of how they interfere with my day-to-day life, I
would say about a 5-6 for most days and a 8-9 on bad days. Luckily I
have never reached a 10 (The point where I am unable/afraid to do
anything at all.) before.

Lately I have seen a few people who have been listing these, and other serious mental disorders, as things
their characters have in role-plays. I ran across some stamps recently
on a deviantART page that reminded me I wanted to write about this, so here I am. On
those stamps were things like, "My fursona has cancer and aids...
Offensive? Well so is your fursona having
ADD/ADHD/OCD/Schizophrenia/Depression/Autism. Mental diseases are not
fashion accessories, do not treat them as such." I know that's probably
not *exactly* what it says, but it's darn close, and it's exactly what I
think, for any character, role-play, fursona, wtfever.

-end rant-

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