
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Hai. I guess I'll try the whole blogging thing again.

Um. I'm not good at blogging.

I vlog, and I'm working on being funny and stuff. I wanna make some videos, but i need people and friends to help me out with that one.  Which should happen in the near to distant future.

Oh, my name is Sam.  You can also call me Samwise, or Samsung, or Samuel The Packing Mule.

I really want a burrito right now.  Which kinda explains the burrito header thing.

I'm also hungry.  I ate some food earlier, but being a growing 19 year old boy, I need more nourishment.

I write quite often.  I write songs, poems, stories, and other gunk (haha thats a gross word. kinda like "chunk").  I need to record them sometime.  That would be pretty rad.

Skating and longboarding is pretty bodacious as well.  Fun stuff.  Optimism is good. Thats why i'm a optimistic dude.

I don't really know how to blog.

So I leave you with this:

Tulips are yellow,

Tulips are plants,

They grow in the ground,

Unlike our pants.

Thats a good thing,

Cause wearing dirt sucks,

Worms are not bling,

I'm gonna go get some ice cream now cause I'm hungry.

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