
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Alright you guys. Answer away. If you haven't seen the description, go to my page and look at my discussion,story for you to create. You can control other people's characters. Do what you want, just no cussing, and preferably no kissing. And no nudity! Other than that kind of stuff, I don't care what you do, as long as you build off of the story. Thank you.

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Comment by Hannah Hancock (Twili) on April 12, 2013 at 9:56am
Sounds good. Do you have an idea for a character's name, and an idea for the first line of the story. Because like I said, this is a story other people are going to build off of, so if you could post a description of a character you came up with, and how the story starts, that would be a big help. I do need what the characters say in script form, because me and my friends will be acting the story out when it's done, and posting a video of it on the kommunity. Nobody has posted the first line yet. So you can start it. Thanks.
Comment by Vincent Prendick (Shadow Eater) on April 12, 2013 at 9:29am
Alright. Well to begin, the main character needs to be likable and relatable. He shouldn't stand out much but he should have one thing about him that sets him apart from anyone else.
Things that are possible:
- An irrational fear
- A talent that no one else has
- Dimwitedness
- No fear of anything the point of it being dangerous
Just to name a few, but I'd like to see what other things people could come up with too.
Comment by Hannah Hancock (Twili) on April 12, 2013 at 7:50am
Well...I haven't gotten anything yet, so you could start it off, and get the ball rolling. Then others might add on to your story.
Comment by Vincent Prendick (Shadow Eater) on April 11, 2013 at 11:25pm

First Project: The Iconic Character!

- What specific trait does the character have that stands out?

Comment by Vincent Prendick (Shadow Eater) on April 11, 2013 at 11:23pm

By the way, names are irrelevant for the time being unless it has significance.

Comment by Vincent Prendick (Shadow Eater) on April 11, 2013 at 11:22pm

To start off, we need an iconic character with at least one particular trait. I can come up with plenty, but I want to see what others are capable of. Next, we need an instance that starts mid-action, or in the middle of something happening. We need to grab the reader's attention immediately. Once we have the character and the setting/action, then the story can easily flow from there. I know all this because I want to do this for a living.

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