
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Yup, RPing again, woot woot
Not gonna make you write bios to keep track of on a document or anything, only for when you introduce your character


1. Use ( and ) When you need to say something to the others, but arent saying it in the RP. what I mean is when your planning stuff out and such you use parenthesis to talk to the others, but not talk in the rp. Hope that clears up any confusion. Because when normally talking in an rp.

EX: (Gtg guys)

2. Use *'s for actions. and use /'s for thoughts. (first done(in the rp) by:   Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) )

EX: *runs by*  & /Well, shit.../

Well, thats all I got to say before we get started.

Map that Garrett made-(I will edit this when he updates it)
My Map (update 5)

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Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 3:59pm

*Grins mischievously* Aww.. nice to know you care.

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 3:52pm

*sucks in breath through teeth* That is big. If one of these seven leaders isn't your master, then how are you mixed up in this? *puts up hand* Doesn't matter. None of my concern. What matters is that while these are enemies of the Shadow Order, they rivals for power and are criminals. They need to be broken up, and I wouldn't want you to be in danger.

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 3:40pm

All seven leaders, and as many of their "underlings" they can bring. Which usually adds up to about 125 people.  So yeah, these meetings are fairly large.

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 3:28pm

How big are these meetings? how many gather?

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 3:09pm

(Yes, you can say that. And I'm not quite sure where it came from, still trying to figure her out.)

*Stops* ...  *Starts walking again* 

Their masks resemble those that you would see at a carnival or festival. Plastic masks that have expressions on them with a special plastic for the eyes that you can only see out of.  As for their code names, they pick names of either the worlds most famous philosophers and thinkers, or their favorite animal.

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 2:52pm

(uh yikes? where did that come from? may I say that I love your character, spidey?)

*Stops and looks rather startled, but quickly regains composure*

...Very well. *begins walking again*

/masks, codenames, and secret meetings, but not the Shadow Order? A cult or secret organization then?/

What do you remember about these meetings? what sort of masks and codenames did they use? I need all the details you can think of. *stops suddenly* Are you a member of this organization?

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 2:34pm

*In Xavier's face*

THEY'RE NOT MY MASTERS IDIOT!! And its not actually a debt okay? And to be perfectly honest I don't really know who they are, they have code names and wear masks at all the meetings.

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 2:19pm

(oh, Jake, I also made a second map of just the southern kingdom. It will be useful because we will be able to fit more details on that map)

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 2:18pm

(ok, lets finish let this conversation burn itself out in a natural way and then we can jump to the cave)

Oh, you have my gratitude, Kenshin. Still, while I won't delve into your other personal affairs in G'ercs, suppose we help "un-settle" your debts with your masters? Who are they exactly?

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 11:42am


You're doing well, except they are not on our side. Yes, they do oppose the shadow order but they are bad people no matter how you look at them. And I am not going to report you in G'ercs, I have another reason for going there.

(What say we jump to the cave? We've been trying to get there for some time.)

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