
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Yup, RPing again, woot woot
Not gonna make you write bios to keep track of on a document or anything, only for when you introduce your character


1. Use ( and ) When you need to say something to the others, but arent saying it in the RP. what I mean is when your planning stuff out and such you use parenthesis to talk to the others, but not talk in the rp. Hope that clears up any confusion. Because when normally talking in an rp.

EX: (Gtg guys)

2. Use *'s for actions. and use /'s for thoughts. (first done(in the rp) by:   Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) )

EX: *runs by*  & /Well, shit.../

Well, thats all I got to say before we get started.

Map that Garrett made-(I will edit this when he updates it)
My Map (update 5)

Views: 4299


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Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 4:53pm

Ah.. Over there.

*Turns left and begins running towards red flare*

*Trips and falls flat on the ground about 5 feet away from the hole* Nngk! Ow..

Oi! You alright? No broken bones?  Is this the cave? Can we rest finally?

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 4:49pm

*shoots red flare out of hole* HERE!!

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 4:46pm

*Jumps* What's wrong?!

*Turns and runs in the direction of the yell* Oi, where are you?!

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 4:43pm

(As soon as we find this cave and sleep, which will be shortly, I will need to go :/)

*once about 100 feet away from Kenshin, begins walking due West again... and falls into a hole*


Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 4:34pm

Wha-? Okay, then I'll go east..

*Turns and begins walking south*

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 4:32pm


The cave is close. We need to spread out but stay in with sight of each other. I'll go north. *begins walking northwest*

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 4:26pm

Sure, whatever.

*Walks in silence*

(Whee! We can fast forward to the cave now!)

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 4:20pm

Nevermind. We can go over the more finite details when we are closer to G'ercs.

(unless you want to say anything else, go ahead and respond and then we can fast forward to the cave.  walking about three miles an hour and the cave is about 2 miles away, so about 45 minutes.)

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 4:11pm

*Shoves hands in pockets* *Looks up into the sky*

Mmm... I think the name started with an Z.

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 4:03pm

*stares seriously* you still haven't said whether you belong to this society yet. Do you even know what it's called?

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