
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Yup, RPing again, woot woot
Not gonna make you write bios to keep track of on a document or anything, only for when you introduce your character


1. Use ( and ) When you need to say something to the others, but arent saying it in the RP. what I mean is when your planning stuff out and such you use parenthesis to talk to the others, but not talk in the rp. Hope that clears up any confusion. Because when normally talking in an rp.

EX: (Gtg guys)

2. Use *'s for actions. and use /'s for thoughts. (first done(in the rp) by:   Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) )

EX: *runs by*  & /Well, shit.../

Well, thats all I got to say before we get started.

Map that Garrett made-(I will edit this when he updates it)
My Map (update 5)

Views: 4299


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Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 6:38pm

Ah.. Thank you.

*Eats bread up quickly* I hadn't realized how hungry I was. And don't worry, I'll set up some traps and if we're lucky we might catch some small game.

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 6:30pm

*lies down and sighs* I wish I could have the Infinite Pocket, which is infinite of course, but only a few have those. *turns head and looks at Kenshin* Then, I would have had room to store two sleeping pads.

*pulls out a chunk of bread and splits it* Here, eat. I have a week's worth of food for two in my pocket as well. We will have to eat very sparingly I'm afraid.*

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 6:22pm

They say that sleeping on hard stone makes you stronger. If that's true then in your face, I'll be stronger than you.

*Lies down on cave floor and uses bottom half of cloak as a pillow*

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 6:18pm

*rolls eyes* I'll sleep on it.

*reaches into robe and draws forthwith a sleeping pad*

Sorry, I don't have one for you. It's only a Deep Pocket.

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 6:11pm

Yeah, yeah.. *Yawns*

*Walks over to the wall and climbs up*

*Looks at crevasse for a couple seconds* We should name it.

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 6:08pm

*stops and points up* up there.

*seven feet off the ground is a crevasse wide enough for one person to slip through*

I explored the room and it is quite safe. Watch me climb and pay attention to the hand and footholds I use.

*walks up to wall and climbs up*

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 6:00pm

*Follows behind Xavier* *Yawns*

How much is a bit?

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 5:55pm

Hm. Come with me a bit farther in. I found a room that is hard to reach and easily defensible. *begins walking back into the cave with cupped palm of light showing the way*

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 5:50pm

*Arrives at entrance*

Okay, Okay. I'm here! Took you long enough to find it though. I was almost asleep!

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 5:47pm

*keeps sending up flares every five minutes*

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