
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Yup, RPing again, woot woot
Not gonna make you write bios to keep track of on a document or anything, only for when you introduce your character


1. Use ( and ) When you need to say something to the others, but arent saying it in the RP. what I mean is when your planning stuff out and such you use parenthesis to talk to the others, but not talk in the rp. Hope that clears up any confusion. Because when normally talking in an rp.

EX: (Gtg guys)

2. Use *'s for actions. and use /'s for thoughts. (first done(in the rp) by:   Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) )

EX: *runs by*  & /Well, shit.../

Well, thats all I got to say before we get started.

Map that Garrett made-(I will edit this when he updates it)
My Map (update 5)

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Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 11, 2013 at 5:30pm

*Follows a few feet behind* Why does that sound so boring?

*Shrugs* Ah well.. doesn't matter anyways. Wherever I go, adventure follows. When it comes to adventuring, there is no greater adventurer than I, KENSHIN!

(Figured my character was getting a little to un-full of herself. Or something.)

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 11, 2013 at 5:24pm

*walking to the cave's mouth* To the river _________, and upstream from there to Harib.

(I'll pick out some names later to and ask what you think)

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 11, 2013 at 4:47pm


*Under breath* Sure thing Bilbo..

*Jumps down after Xavier* Where are we off to then?

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 11, 2013 at 4:41pm

(imma here. waiting for Kenshin's response)

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 11, 2013 at 12:05am

(Haha, no problamo! Its good enough! G'night!)

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 11, 2013 at 12:02am

(very last comment! Goodnight)

*jumps down* C'mon Ken-ACK, we've got an adventure to go on!

(I tried really hard to come up with a good last one liner to wrap up the night, but this is best I can come up with at this hour :/)

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 11:31pm

*Sulks* Hmph.

*Stands up and brushes self off*

*Turns and stares at crevasse*

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 11:28pm

(sorry I'm watching psych.. its so good)

*mumbles irritably* Well I should have brought Nanna, she would have made some pancakes too!

*rolls up sleeping pad and walks over to crevasse while munching on bread*

Comment by Spiderhawk The Stormwrought on August 10, 2013 at 11:04pm

(I was looking to find some nickname for him. I couldn't think of anything creative, so I stuck with idiot.)

*Rubs eyes* Well aren't you just short and to the point..

*Eats up bread* To bad we don't have any butter or jam to go with this.

Comment by Garrett (Gangsta Dragon) on August 10, 2013 at 11:01pm

(I dont think Kenshin calls X Idiot enough)

OI! It's time to wake up. Let's go. Here's breakfast. *draws out a chunk of bread*

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