
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Third Blog: Angels in the Fog? --Strange Yet Beautiful

Imagine this for one moment, will you?

It's a foggy morning on the street -no signs of life to be seen. Then suddenly, through the fog, two figures emerge. Standing directly in the middle of the sidewalk, about one-hundred yards away, the figures become more clear. You begin to see their details. The figures are aged women, slightly hunched over -one black, one white --both wearing sunhats. They stand there amidst the fog in their long floral skirts, and look around as if admiring this world for the first time. When they see you approaching they each smile at the exact same time as the other, and whisper to one another behind wrinkled little hands. As you draw near the women bend down to move their circa 1920's briefcases out of the way, all the while wearing knowing smiles. You pass by them now, on your way to somewhere, but as you do you turn your head once more -compelled to lay eyes on their eerie beauty one last time.

This was my morning yesterday on the way to my bus stop. I couldn't help but be drawn to them; Their presence was almost overpowering.

Were they actual angels? Probably not. But the idea is fanciful. In any case, I do know for a fact that they captured my heart in a moment. It was strange ... yet beautiful.

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Comment by Rebekah (Chocoboodle) on September 20, 2012 at 1:03pm

whoa, what, Joe?

Comment by Joe XD (Kaptain Kommunity) on September 20, 2012 at 11:36am


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